About Us

Information about J S Publications

Based in Suffolk, J S Publications is a small, dynamic operation dedicated to building innovative IT solutions for information management needs. The company has a strong background in the publishing, IT, education and earth science sectors.

Formed in 1988 solely to manage the database for the UK Register of Expert Witnesses, the company’s skills have evolved to include the:

  • design and maintenance of data resources
  • design and implementation of interactive websites, e.g. jspubs.com
  • design and production of database products on CD-ROM and apps, e.g. Expert Search Program
  • publication of software products based on structured information resources
  • production and output of computer-drawn diagrams (using CorelDraw! and Adobe© graphics packages) for electronic and traditional publications.

We also offer IT consultancy to data holders, including private companies, schools and government bodies.

J S Publications is a partnership. The partners are Dr Chris Pamplin and Dr Susanne White.

The team

Dr Chris Pamplin, Editor

Chris is Editor of the UK Register of Expert Witnesses and founding partner of J S Publications. He is responsible for the application of IT to the company’s data management needs, including database design, construction and output, and on-line and static product development. Chris also writes editorial for Your Witness, the well-respected quarterly newsletter of the UK Register of Expert Witnesses, and is intimately involved in all aspects of sales, marketing and product management.

As an IT consultant, he has worked on European-funded projects for government bodies investigating the role of IT in data collection, collation and management, and has designed and implemented projects for data capture and display.

Dr Susanne White

Involved in the company since its formation in 1988, Susanne’s role has evolved to include product development and marketing, quality assurance, copy writing and editing, and indexing. She is now a partner in the company, taking ultimate responsibility for the quality of output of our published material – from company literature, press releases and sales letters, to our on-line and printed products.

Using her background in earth science to aid interpretation, Susanne also uses her skills with graphics packages to draft geological (and other) figures for government agencies and university departments.

Philip Owen

Philip is our staff writer. He researches and writes articles for Your Witness, analyses the results of our expert surveys, compiles new factsheets and maintains the accuracy of our current factsheets.

© J S  Publications 1988–2025