Expert opinion and recognition evidence • Vehicle recognition, comparison and vehicle reconstruction • Describing actions, physical descriptions and movements of people • Firearms, knives, clothing (configuration of clothing) and footwear • Identification of forensic opportunities • Production of exhibited CCTV viewing products, viewing log, sequence of events, vehicle • Short form comparison reports, full comparison reports and overall recognition statements Delivery of evidence at Crown Court.
William Platts is an imagery analyst with experience dating back to 1971. He has undertaken over 100 court appearances ranging from magistrates, Crown, County, CCC to Court of Appeal (Criminal Division). His company employs the following analysts: • Jo Ippolito is an imagery analyst with experience dating back to 1996. She has completed Bond Solon training in courtroom skills and cross-examination, gained a BTEC in gathering video evidence and is a Certified LEVA Forensic Video Technician. The company can...
With 36 years' professional experience of interpretation and mapping from historic and modern aerial photographs, stereoscopic pairs of analogue aerial photographs, digital aerial imagery, Lidar data and satellite imagery • Interpretation and use of historic and modern map evidence • Evidence provision for heritage and archaeology, legal land use, adverse possession, town and village green matters, boundary issues and disputes, property curtilage and extent, building regulations issues, planning, rights of way...
Dr Jones in CARDIFF
I specialise in all aspects of invasive plant ecology and management, including survey, identification, mapping, evaluating routes of spread, management (chemical and physical control techniques) and independent audit and appraisal of management actions. With respect to Japanese Knotweed in particular, I have expertise in the areas of specialism outlined above, in addition to assessment of growth and spread with relative age assessment, which can be relevant in establishing liability in civil claims.