
This list shows every expert witness in the UK Register of Expert Witnesses who claims expertise in Agronomy. Click on any expert witness to view full details. You may prefer to interactively search the Register.

Mr Watson in WIGAN
Combinable and potato crop agronomy • Fertiliser recommendations for all crop types except fruit • Sprayer filling and dilute pesticide washing disposal by biobeds and biofilters • Land-based legislation and effective practical interpretation on farm related to the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS), including all Good Agricultural and Environmental Conditions (GAECs) and Statutory Management Requirements (SMRs) covering water protection, nitrate vulnerable zones (NVZs), water abstraction, groundwater, soil management,...
Mr Quinton Smith in NEWBURY
Simon Quinton Smith has been providing property & business advice to the garden centre, horticultural & many associated industries, such as pets, aquatics, farm shops, vineyards, mushroom farms, etc., throughout the UK & into Europe for over 30 years & is the leading expert in this field. Advice includes agency, valuation, rent review, lease renewal, rating, general business consultancy. Simon has been acting as an expert witness for over 25 years in rent reviews, lease renewals & generally in regard to values...
Mr Winnard in BURGESS HILL
Farm management • Livestock farming • Arable farming • Horticulture, especially top & soft fruit, hops & stone fruit • Contract farming • Agriculture • Set-aside • Rent reviews • Diversification • Personal injury • Access disputes • Rural businesses • Equine & liveries • Subsidies & grants
Mr Leddington-Hill in NEWMARKET
Farm management • Horticultural economics • Arable farming • Livestock farming • Personal injury • Producer groups • Grants • Subsidies • Renewables • Environmental farming • Organic production • Quantum • Diversification
Mr Lacey in LANGPORT
Agronomy • Single farm payment • Advice on implementation of organic & environmental schemes • Providing appraisals & assessments on the restructuring of estates & farming businesses • Providing business plans for agricultural businesses & operations • Agricultural machinery operation • Dairy parlour operation • Grain storage • Aspects involving the operation & running of agricultural businesses • Fertiliser recommendations
Natural & artificial sports surfaces • Soil, grass, sand, top dressing & rootzone materials • Field & laboratory performance testing • Playing & surface quality assessment • Drainage • Sustainable drainage systems (SUDS) for sports & amenity surfaces • Materials for all sports played on natural & artificial (outdoor) surfaces • Golf, football, rugby, hockey, cricket, bowls, croquet, polo, amenity turf, outdoor sport • Domestic lawns • Multi-use games areas (MUGAs), 3G pitches, 'Astroturf' • Equestrian arenas & tracks

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