Arabic law

This list shows every expert witness in the UK Register of Expert Witnesses who claims expertise in Arabic law. Click on any expert witness to view full details. You may prefer to interactively search the Register.

Dr Abou-El-Fadl in ILFORD
• Consultant in general adult psychiatry since 1990 • Medical Member of the Mental Health Review Tribunal • Visiting Psychiatrist to Chelmsford Prison 1992-2004 • Long and varied medico-legal experience Reporting regularly to the courts in civil and criminal proceedings on mental health issues in relation to: • Criminal, family and personal injury matters • Clinical negligence • Specific areas of testamentary capacity, fitness to plead and stand trial • Psychological trauma due to accidents, industrial or criminal injury •...
Dr Hafidh in LONDON
Country researcher for Middle East and North African countries • Country reports • Document authentication • Disputed nationality • Dialect analysis • Forensic document authentication services (handwriting, tampering, alterations and translation) • Civil society in the Gulf • Islamist movements • Militia groups and radicalisation • Conflict and peacebuilding • Religious and ethnic minorities • Geopolitical trends and regional security • Diaspora and refugees • Human rights issues and modes of governance in the Middle East • LGBTQ and...

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