
This list shows every expert witness in the UK Register of Expert Witnesses who claims expertise in Bacteria. Click on any expert witness to view full details. You may prefer to interactively search the Register.

Professor Wiselka in LEICESTER
All aspects of infectious disease & tropical medicine, including: • Meningitis & encephalitis • Septicaemia • Skin & soft tissue infections (cellulitis, fasciitis) • Chest infections • Tuberculosis • Gastro-enteritis (food poisoning) • Infectious hepatitis • HIV/AIDS infection • Other bloodborne virus infections (hepatitis B & C) • Urinary tract infections • Malaria • Other travel-related conditions (dysentery, amoebiasis, typhoid, dengue, etc.) • Schistosomiasis • Tropical medicine • Covid-19 infection
Dr Thomas is a Consultant Medical Microbiologist at Wythenshawe Hospital and is also Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer, University of Manchester. She is also Departmental Lead for Decontamination. Her main research interests lie in the management of sepsis, in particular patients who are critically ill and requiring intensive care support.
Dr Das in LONDON
I have been a Consultant Medical Microbiologist at St Bartholomew's Hospital, London, since July 1992. My field of expertise lies in all areas related to infection, i.e. clinical microbiology and infectious diseases, antibiotics, health care-associated infection (including MRSA and C. difficile ), and infection control. As an Honorary Senior Lecturer in our medical school, I am also actively involved in teaching, training and R & D, with over 100 publications or presentations at national and international conferences....
Dr Novelli in LONDON
I am a specialist in paediatric infectious diseases. I am competent to accept instructions in all matters dealing with transmission, pathogenesis & sequelae of most infections seen in developed countries (including HIV/AIDS). I have a particular interest in tuberculosis, HIV & infections in the immune compromised. Although I only deal with a limited number of neonates in my practice, I am still competent in this area.
Dr Kosmidis in MANCHESTER
Dr Kosmidis sees a large number of patients with infection, including aspergillosis, tuberculosis, sepsis, infection in the immunocompromised, post-operative infection and fever of unknown origin in outpatient clinics and inpatient ward rounds. He has been Tuberculosis Clinical Lead and Outpatient Parenteral Antimicrobial Therapy Lead in Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, and regularly provides advice nationwide to clinicians referring patients to the National Aspergillosis Centre.
Dr Mahesh has a clinical interest in dyspepsia (gastric and duodenal ulcer, reflux), Barrett's oesophagus, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), chronic abdominal pain, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), Crohn's and colitis, gastrointestinal cancer, diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy, and malnutrition, including complex gastrointestinal issues, obesity and malabsorption.
Dr Rothburn in ALTRINCHAM
Severe community-acquired infection such as meningitis or septicaemia • Hospital-acquired infection, including neurosurgical, orthopaedic and antibiotic-resistant bacteria I have extensive medicolegal experience since 1999 in preparing reports for both defendant and claimant. I have given evidence for the court on 6 occasions. I have attended a medicolegal training course (Bond Solon 3-day residential course, including 1 day on report writing and 2 days on courtroom/cross-examination skills - 17 January 2001)....
Mrs Sharma in LEEDS
All benign gynaecology issues • All matters related to assisted conception • All matters related to reproductive medicine and surgery • All matters related to first trimester of pregnancy • Civil cases only
Dr Markos in email/phone contact only
• Expert witness since 1998 • Fellow of the Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists • Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians • Fellow of the European Conjoint Committee for Sexual Medicine • Medical negligence • Rape, sexual abuse, assault, offences (adult female, female adolescent, child, drugs, alcohol) • Sexual dysfunction (female/male) • Sexually transmitted infections, diseases (HIV, AIDS, herpes, gonorrhoea, Chlamydia, syphilis, hepatitis, warts, HPV) • Impotence (drugs, accidents, trauma) • Genital...
Over 40 years of professional experience investigating water-related problems in construction and environmental health. Acted as expert or single joint expert for over 300 civil and criminal cases, arbitration, adjudication and public enquiries. Recent clients have included DEFRA, Drinking Water Inspectorate, NHS, Environment Agency, National House Building Council, local authorities and water PLCs. Specification and management of water systems and water protection in buildings • Drainage • Sewage treatment • Septic...
Mr Kershaw in WARRINGTON
EC-registered Analytical Chemist (until register closed March 2014) • EC-registered eligibility as Qualified Person in the pharmaceutical industry • Senior Lecturer in Forensic Analytical Science & Programme Leader for Undergraduate Biological Sciences at Manchester Metropolitan University • Former member of several MAFF, EC, BSI & ISO committees & working parties • Author of both refereed papers & other articles • Microbiological & chemical consultancy, testing & writing, including chemistry, chemicals, microbiology,...
Dr Teare in STOCK
Clinical microbiology • Infection prevention & control • Hospital- & community-acquired infection • MRSA • Clostridium difficile • Needle stick injuries • Healthcare-associated infection • Healthcare-acquired infection • Panton Valentine Leucocidin (PVL) • Staphylococcus aureus infection • Gentamicin toxicity • Legionella • Listeria • MSSA • Multi-resistant Gram-negative infections • Carbapenemase-resistant bacteria • Extended spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBL) • CPE • CPO • Sepsis • Surgical site infection • Endocarditis • Spinal infection
Mr Blenkharn in LONDON
Healthcare (clinical) waste microbiology • Healthcare (clinical) waste management & disposal • Environmental microbiology, with particular regard to waste disposal • Infection control • Device-related infection • Hospital ventilation • Hospital maintenance
Dr Kang has provided medico-legal reports for personal injury and medical negligence cases since 2004 in all aspects of gastroenterology, on behalf of either the claimant, the defendant or jointly. His areas of expertise include GI cancers, endoscopy, oesophageal and gastric diseases, coeliac disease, inflammatory bowel diseases and irritable bowel syndrome. Dr Kang has written more than 200 papers in peer-reviewed journals, including co-authorship of the current British guidelines for Barrett's oesophagus.
Dr Stuart-Moonlight in FOLKESTONE
Dr Stuart-Moonlight is one of the foremost food safety and infectious disease experts in the UK, possessing excellent academic credentials including three fellowships. Her typical food cases include contamination, food poisoning, foodborne disease and food allergy. Her typical environmental cases include workplace, environment and travel-related infectious diseases such as norovirus, Sars-Cov-2 and leptospirosis. Dr Stuart-Moonlight has a historic background as a regulator, so is able to contextualise evidential...
Mrs Martin in BIRMINGHAM
Asbestos exposure & illness: asbestosis, mesothelioma, lung cancer & pleural disease claims, property contamination • Occupational noise exposure (NIHL) in all industries • Occupational health - respiratory, dermal & cancer claims, e.g. dust, metals, silica, solvents, gases, lead, temperature & light • RSI/workplace injury • Musculoskeletal, PPE issues & accidents • Microbiology: mould & bacteria, Aspergillus spp • Water quality/source for injury, health (e.g. Legionellosis) & property • Land contamination by spillage...
Dr Sheridan in LONDON
Medical microbiology • Infection • Hospital infection • MRSA • ESBL carbapenemase • Surgical site infection • Post-operative infection • Bacteraemia • Sepsis • E. coli • Healthcare-associated infection • Medical device-associated infection • Community-acquired infection • Antibiotic resistance • Antibiotic prescribing • Infection control Additional email: [email protected]
Dr Creavin in BRISTOL
General medical practitioner near Bristol • Managing GP Partner at a semi-rural practice of around 5,500 patients and regular shifts in out-of-hours general practice, including telephone triage and home visits • Claimant and defendant • Bond Solon CUBS trained Logical, reasoned and balanced Interested in providing expert opinion on medical negligence and malpractice, particularly: • delayed diagnosis during the Covid-19 pandemic • delayed diagnosis of cancer • management of sepsis in the community • drug prescribing...

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