Mr White in BRISTOL
Over 30 years’ environment sector experience as regulator and consultant • Expert in waste treatment infrastructure commercial disputes and claims since 2010 • Expert in permit breaches, civil disputes and criminal cases (e.g. Environmental Protection Act, Waste Shipments, Duty of Care) • Cross-examined in Crown Court and International Tribunal • Former Environment Agency investigation and enforcement officer • PACE trained • Conveys complex technical and regulatory information into plain English
Dr Chackiath in SHREWSBURY
• 20 years of waste and recyclables sector experience • Expert in waste and environmental-related services contracts, including waste and recyclables collection, household recycling centres, street cleansing, public realm and grounds maintenance contracts • Chartered Waste Manager
Over 20 years' experience in the waste sector as a consultant, designer and operations leader. • Expert in waste treatment technologies and facility operations, since 2008. • Expert in energy from waste processes, including independent certification, commissioning, supervision and owners engineer. • Former experience in the process of treating hazardous waste chemicals. • Able to convey technically complex engineering topics in layman's terms.