
This list shows every expert witness in the UK Register of Expert Witnesses who claims expertise in Biology. Click on any expert witness to view full details. You may prefer to interactively search the Register.

Dr Thomas is a Consultant Medical Microbiologist at Wythenshawe Hospital and is also Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer, University of Manchester. She is also Departmental Lead for Decontamination. Her main research interests lie in the management of sepsis, in particular patients who are critically ill and requiring intensive care support.
Mr Thompson in WEST MOLESEY
Arboriculture • Arboricultural impact assessments • Tree inspection & surveys • Dangerous trees • Decay • Tree health & safety surveys & reports • Tree Preservation Orders • Tree protection & planning • Tree amenity assessments • High hedges • Conservation areas
Dr Das in LONDON
I have been a Consultant Medical Microbiologist at St Bartholomew's Hospital, London, since July 1992. My field of expertise lies in all areas related to infection, i.e. clinical microbiology and infectious diseases, antibiotics, health care-associated infection (including MRSA and C. difficile ), and infection control. As an Honorary Senior Lecturer in our medical school, I am also actively involved in teaching, training and R & D, with over 100 publications or presentations at national and international conferences....
Professor Price in WILMSLOW
Delay in diagnosis of cancer • Tumour growth rates • Radiotherapy & chemotherapy
Mr Strudwick in MANCHESTER
All fields of textiles, including: • Fibre • Yarn • Apparel fabric • Furnishing fabric • Floor coverings • General product safety • Material identification • Colour fastness • Colour measurement • Microbiology • Oven gloves • Hot water bottles
Dr Machin has interests in clinical microbiology and clinical virology. In particular, he has expertise in the diagnosis and management of viral infections in sexual health, solid organ and haematological transplant and critically ill patients. Additionally, in the diagnosis and management of emerging viral infections, having been involved in the recent COVID-19 pandemic and Monkeypox outbreak. He has a specialist interest in infection prevention and control of viral infections in hospital settings.
Dr Habibi in LONDON
Medical microbiology and virology • Infectious diseases • Infection prevention and control • Vaccination • Antibiotics • Laboratory testing for the diagnosis of infection
Over 40 years of professional experience investigating water-related problems in construction and environmental health. Acted as expert or single joint expert for over 300 civil and criminal cases, arbitration, adjudication and public enquiries. Recent clients have included DEFRA, Drinking Water Inspectorate, NHS, Environment Agency, National House Building Council, local authorities and water PLCs. Specification and management of water systems and water protection in buildings • Drainage • Sewage treatment • Septic...
Mr Blenkharn in LONDON
Healthcare (clinical) waste microbiology • Healthcare (clinical) waste management & disposal • Environmental microbiology, with particular regard to waste disposal • Infection control • Device-related infection • Hospital ventilation • Hospital maintenance
Dr Sheridan in LONDON
Medical microbiology • Infection • Hospital infection • MRSA • ESBL carbapenemase • Surgical site infection • Post-operative infection • Bacteraemia • Sepsis • E. coli • Healthcare-associated infection • Medical device-associated infection • Community-acquired infection • Antibiotic resistance • Antibiotic prescribing • Infection control Additional email: [email protected]
Mr Davies in HORSHAM
Established in 1986, Assurity Consulting is an independent consultancy providing solutions for workplace health, safety & environmental performance • Services cover: • Legionella management & control • Risk assessment & training • Building air & water systems • Asbestos management • Health & safety • Fire safety • Computer room auditing (including zinc whiskers) • Environmental management Scope of work includes: • Liaison with enforcement authorities • Senior management briefing & training • Assessing the performance of third...
Professor Taylor in SWANSEA
I am a practising Clinical Oncologist • I can consider providing medico-legal reports for patients with a wide range of cancers • Particular areas of expertise are: • Sarcomas • Children's cancers • Lymphomas • Brain tumours Employment address: South West Wales Cancer Centre, Singleton Hospital, Swansea , SA2 8QA. Additional emails: • [email protected][email protected]
Mr Kershaw in WARRINGTON
EC-registered Analytical Chemist (until register closed March 2014) • EC-registered eligibility as Qualified Person in the pharmaceutical industry • Senior Lecturer in Forensic Analytical Science & Programme Leader for Undergraduate Biological Sciences at Manchester Metropolitan University • Former member of several MAFF, EC, BSI & ISO committees & working parties • Author of both refereed papers & other articles • Microbiological & chemical consultancy, testing & writing, including chemistry, chemicals, microbiology,...
Dr Jones in CARDIFF
I specialise in all aspects of invasive plant ecology and management, including survey, identification, mapping, evaluating routes of spread, management (chemical and physical control techniques) and independent audit and appraisal of management actions. With respect to Japanese Knotweed in particular, I have expertise in the areas of specialism outlined above, in addition to assessment of growth and spread with relative age assessment, which can be relevant in establishing liability in civil claims.
Ms Millington in NEWBURY
Millington Hingley is a forensic science consultancy providing considered advice and expertise to the defence and Crown. Owned and managed by forensic scientists, we foster direct client engagement, ensuring legal practitioners and investigative agencies have immediate access to the essential support and expertise they need. Specialising in forensic biology, we excel in DNA interpretation, body fluid evaluation and bloodstain pattern analysis (BPA). We are regularly instructed to provide expertise and testify...
Dr Szmidt in AYR
Anaerobic digestion • Odour & emissions from compost & related facilities • Environmental & societal pollution • Agricultural pollution • Waste management & recycling • Facility design & operation • Production of compost & composted waste • Use, quality & fertiliser value of compost & digestate for horticulture & agriculture • Mushroom & hydroponic production systems • Cannabis cultivation • Microbial content, contamination & pollution of compost SKYPE: targetrenewables.raks
Ms Anne Franc CBiol MSB in LONDON
Forensic Equity is a leading provider of forensic science services. With well over 1,000 years of combined experience, our forensic scientists cover all of the major forensic disciplines. All of our services and fee rates are suitable for legal aid applicants. We are always happy to receive case papers and will assess them and provide an initial opinion without charge. Accounting Mark Holdsworth FMAAT CFE MAE Robert Miller BSc(Hons) FCA MAE Biology Nigel Hodge BSc BTh DipPS John Page BA MSBiol CBiol PGDipSciSoc...
Mrs Martin in BIRMINGHAM
Asbestos exposure & illness: asbestosis, mesothelioma, lung cancer & pleural disease claims, property contamination • Occupational noise exposure (NIHL) in all industries • Occupational health - respiratory, dermal & cancer claims, e.g. dust, metals, silica, solvents, gases, lead, temperature & light • RSI/workplace injury • Musculoskeletal, PPE issues & accidents • Microbiology: mould & bacteria, Aspergillus spp • Water quality/source for injury, health (e.g. Legionellosis) & property • Land contamination by spillage...

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