Bone infections

This list shows every expert witness in the UK Register of Expert Witnesses who claims expertise in Bone infections. Click on any expert witness to view full details. You may prefer to interactively search the Register.

Dr Kosmidis in MANCHESTER
Dr Kosmidis sees a large number of patients with infection, including aspergillosis, tuberculosis, sepsis, infection in the immunocompromised, post-operative infection and fever of unknown origin in outpatient clinics and inpatient ward rounds. He has been Tuberculosis Clinical Lead and Outpatient Parenteral Antimicrobial Therapy Lead in Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, and regularly provides advice nationwide to clinicians referring patients to the National Aspergillosis Centre.
Dr Thomas is a Consultant Medical Microbiologist at Wythenshawe Hospital and is also Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer, University of Manchester. She is also Departmental Lead for Decontamination. Her main research interests lie in the management of sepsis, in particular patients who are critically ill and requiring intensive care support.
Mr Singh in BEDFORD
Mr Sameer Singh is a consultant trauma and orthopaedic surgeon who has acted as an expert witness since 2008. He is Chair of the British Orthopaedic Association Medico-legal Committee and has provided training to solicitors regarding common orthopaedic conditions and long-term prognosis. Mr Singh is instructed by both claimants and defendants on personal injury and medical negligence cases. Sameer deals with all matters pertaining to orthopaedic trauma (bone and soft tissue) and soft tissue injuries. He can...
Dr Ahmad in LONDON
Peri-prosthetic and peri-articular fractures • Proximal femoral fractures, especially hip replacements for fracture • Upper and lower limb trauma All correspondence to: British Medical Experts, 13 Park Terrace, Carmarthen, Carmarthenshire, SA31 3DG.
Mr Foster in LEEDS
Appointed as a consultant in one of the country's largest Major Trauma Centres in 2013 specialising in limb reconstruction and paediatric orthopaedics. Full range of limb reconstruction conditions treated, including congenital deformity (fibular hemimelia, congenital short femur, radial club hand), skeletal dysplasias (achondroplasia, multiple hereditary exostoses, SED), post-meningitis, Ollier's disease, metabolic conditions (hypophosphataemic rickets), acute trauma and post-traumatic deformity, compartment...
Mr Nesbitt in MANCHESTER
Main focus is on limb reconstruction after severe traumatic injuries, orthoplastics reconstruction, bone infection and deformity correction as a result of trauma or congenital disease in adults.
Dr Whitehead in ALEXANDRIA
Medical microbiology • Virology • Post-surgical infections • Obstetrics/gynaecology infections • Hospital-acquired infections • Central nervous system infections • Paediatric/neonatal infections • Antimicrobial choices and side effects • Infections in general practice • Screening for resistant organisms and decolonisation • Orthopaedic/prosthetic joint infections • Infections in solid organ and bone marrow transplants • Infections acquired from the built environment • Infective endocarditis

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