Business continuity

This list shows every expert witness in the UK Register of Expert Witnesses who claims expertise in Business continuity. Click on any expert witness to view full details. You may prefer to interactively search the Register.

Mr Shaw in LONDON
Artificial intelligence, AI, AR, 5G holograms • Blockchain • Smart contracts technology • Coding, Assembler machine language through to Z-notation • Cyber security, defence and offence, breaches • Data privacy • Digital media and IT technology • Due diligence • eDiscovery • Failed projects • Fintech, pure technology, start-ups and investments • Hardware, middleware, design and architecture • IoT • Network, telecoms • Software, forensic and anti-forensic • Digital forensics in multiple criminal cases regarding software, images, infringements •...
Mr Curry in LONDON
Consequential loss • Forensic accounting • Financial services complaints or claims
Mr Minnery in WREXHAM
Forensic accounting, including: • Money laundering, Proceeds of Crime Act and confiscation • Fraud and fraudulent trading • Personal injury and professional negligence • Loss of earnings and profits • Loss of future earnings • Loss of business value • Business interruption and consequential losses • Financial Services & Markets Act 2000 Family law, including: • Child Maintenance Service claims and appeals • Court of Protection and NHS Continuing healthcare
Mr Miller in LONDON
Investment banking • Corporate finance • Mergers & acquisitions • Public takeovers • Equity fund raising • Prospectus standards • Corporate governance • FSA/FCA regulation

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