
This list shows every expert witness in the UK Register of Expert Witnesses who claims expertise in Cats. Click on any expert witness to view full details. You may prefer to interactively search the Register.

Dr d'Sa in ALTON
Criminal & civil proceedings for both defence & prosecution cases • Dog behaviour/training & breed identification, including prohibited breeds • Dangerous dogs legislation • Police Dog Legislation Officer (DLO) training • Dog behaviour expert for police constabularies across the UK • Dog bites • Human fatalities involving dogs • Cat behaviour • Animal behaviour (mammals & birds) • Animal welfare & protection • Animal-related environmental matters • Animal boarding establishments - licensing matters • Animal assessments for owners...
Senior lecturer in animal behaviour, human-animal interactions and companion animal behaviour counselling • Chair of Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors • Trustee of Animal Behaviour and Training Council Animal behaviour and welfare • Behaviour and temperament assessment of dogs • Aspects of dog behaviour in general • The human-animal bond • Attitudes to animals • Animals in human housing • Role of animals for physical and emotional health of humans of all ages
Veterinary medicine & surgery in dogs, cats & birds • Investigation of Section 4 offences under the Animal Welfare Act 2006 • Investigation of Section 9 offences under the Animal Welfare Act 2006 • Expert witness for the prosecution & defence • Investigation of animal welfare, negligence & unnecessary suffering • Veterinary forensics • Greyhounds • Post mortem • Since 2015 I have been regularly asked to provide expert veterinary opinion
Mr Madeiros in BANBURY
Management of a mixed general veterinary practice, including employment of staff, official veterinary service work & veterinary work, including bovines, ovines, porcines, equines, felines, canines, reptiles (including hydrotherapy) • Professional negligence claims • Animal welfare, cruelty & negligence cases (including RSPCA cases) • Non-accidental injury cases • Local authority animal welfare inspections/licences • Riding schools, measuring equines & equine chiropractic • Agricultural veterinary show work • Avians (including...
Dr Bennett in HUNTINGDON
All aspects of companion animal veterinary medicine & surgery, including: • Orthopaedics • Diagnostic imaging • Reproductive medicine & surgery • Endocrinology • Urogenital medicine & surgery • Avian medicine & surgery • Cruelty cases
Dr Robson in LONDON
Small animal forensic veterinary medicine and surgery, including cruelty and neglect cases of cats, dogs, small mammals and birds • Dangerous dogs and their control • Practising veterinary surgeon for over 40 years • Considerable experience with the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 and the Animal Welfare Act 2006 • Regularly giving evidence in civil and criminal cases • Human fatalities and serious injuries involving dogs

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