Chemical spills

This list shows every expert witness in the UK Register of Expert Witnesses who claims expertise in Chemical spills. Click on any expert witness to view full details. You may prefer to interactively search the Register.

Accident investigation • Major hazards • Fire • Explosion • Toxic gas • Chemical spills • HSWA • COMAH • COSHH • DSEAR • Industrial injuries from chemical & process hazards • Risk from transport, storage, handling & treatment of chemicals, including hazardous waste • Environmental impact assessment • Accidents to the environment • Planning inquiries (risk & air pollution issues) • Air pollution, including odour nuisance & food tainting • Cargo quality disputes • Cargo contamination incidents Over 25 years' experience in research, postgraduate...
Mr Marmoy-Haynes in UPMINSTER
I accept instructions from defendants and claimants via solicitors on most health and safety topics. I have particular experience in health and safety legislation, fatal accident investigation, manufacturing, construction, banking, education, healthcare, charity, retail and pharmaceuticals. My skills include: risk assessment, training, work at height, fall prevention, safe systems of work, safety documentation and policies, fire safety and protection, COSHH, manual handling and work equipment.
Dr Bleetman in FARINGDON
Personal injury • Assault • Injuries sustained during arrest & detention • Emergency care • Ambulance care • Resuscitation injuries from road traffic accidents • Pre-hospital care • Accident & emergency medicine • Expert opinion on less-lethal weapons (Taser and similar), use of force matters and injuries sustained during arrest and restraint • Dr Bleetman is also an Honorary Associate Clinical Professor & retired HEMS doctor

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