Christian-Muslim relations

This list shows every expert witness in the UK Register of Expert Witnesses who claims expertise in Christian-Muslim relations. Click on any expert witness to view full details. You may prefer to interactively search the Register.

Dr Parsons in COLCHESTER
Christianity - Christian theology, beliefs and practices - PhD and academic book on this area • Global persecution of Christians - particular focus on Islamic contexts - CEO of research centre in this field • Freedom of religion or belief - and historical relationship to UK constitutional history • Radical Islam and Islam and Christian-Muslim relations • Political conservativism - particularly in relation to Christianity - written a major book on this subject • Extremism and historic British values • Conservative politics
Mr Miles in LONDON
Middle East • North Africa • Algeria • Egypt • Kuwait • Lebanon • Libya • Palestine • Oman • Qatar • Saudi Arabia • Syria • Tunisia • UAE • Yemen Muslims • Christians • Bahai • Islamism • Muslim Brotherhood • Defectors • Dissidents • Slavery • Trafficking • LGBTQ+ • Children • Tribes • Sects • Torture • Medical disablities • PTSD • Women's rights

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