Qualified electrical engineer & computer consultant specialising in disability, workstation assessments, assistive technology assessments, expert witness reports & litigation support • Working as expert witness for over 15 years, with experience in adapting computers, assistive technology & environmental controls for people with mobility problems, visual impairment, brain injury & learning difficulties, ergonomic issues or complex disabilities • Specialist assessments & CPR35-compliant expert witness reports...
Mr Humberstone in TODMORDEN
Specialist assessment & CPR 35 compliant reports (CUBS accredited since 2012) for assistive technology • Bespoke IT solutions (e.g. switch, voice or eye gaze control) • Assistive technology from cause & effect to full home environmental control & multimedia distribution systems • AAC (communication aids) • Equipment training & rehabilitation with extensive experience of using technology as a communication therapist • Specialist areas: brain & spinal injury • Fully independent with no commercial interests • Project management...