Dr Barlow in BLETCHLEY
Modern slavery and trafficking of human beings • Sexual violence/physical violence offender risk assessment and management • Child abuse and neglect • Domestic abuse, coercive and controlling relationships, intimate partner violence • Interviewing vulnerable and intimidated witnesses (under Achieving Best Evidence Guidance)
Dr Bains in THATCHAM
I am a trained psychiatrist and have a masters in mental health law. I work as a forensic psychiatrist and have expertise and experience of providing evidence in legal proceedings to courts. I have specialist expertise in learning disabilities and autism spectrum disorders. I have provided second opinion reports for Mental Health Review Tribunals. I am able to provide psychiatric reports and advice on matters such as fitness to plead.
Ms Smales in LONDON
Adults • Mental health, including schizophrenia, personality disorder, bipolar, depression, anxiety, dementia and mild to moderate learning disabilities • Forensic mental health and risk • Best Interest decisions • Section 117 aftercare and eligibility criteria • Care Act assessments • Deprivation of liberty safeguards and Best Interest decisions • Mental capacity decisions • Forensic risk analysis, including completion of HCR20s • Mental Health Review Tribunals • Social work holistic needs assessments • Health and Social Care...
Dr Gould in LONDON
Psychological assessments of: 1. Civil/personal injury such as accidents and medical negligence 2. Employment law, including the Equality Act, racial discrimination, fitness to work and Occupational Mandated Psychological Assessments 3. Immigration and asylum 4. Vulnerable witness and special measures 5. Adult mental health, and especially PTSD Working in particular with: • Media, TV, journalists • Aviation psychology and neuropsychology • Police and emergency services • Military and veterans • Criminal Injuries Compensation...