Cross-currency derivatives

This list shows every expert witness in the UK Register of Expert Witnesses who claims expertise in Cross-currency derivatives. Click on any expert witness to view full details. You may prefer to interactively search the Register.

Mr Dornton-Duff in LONDON
Matters involving trading, structuring, selling or advising upon following over-the-counter (OTC) financial derivatives: • Interest rate swaps & options • Foreign exchange swaps & options • Cross-currency swaps • Inflation swaps
Dr Bateson in LONDON
Investment banking • Capital markets • Derivatives • Fund management • Investment management • Wealth management • Hedge funds • Quantitative investing • Algorithmic trading • Systematic investing • Interest rate swaps • Credit default swaps • Cryptocurrencies • HFT • Artificial intelligence • Alternative data • Trading technology • Information technology • Intellectual property, compliance and operations Since 2017, Dr Bateson has been engaged as an expert witness on legal cases in the UK and US involving financial markets, hedge funds, algorithmic/AI/systematic...
Mr Merriman in GUILDFORD
The use of derivatives, particularly interest rate swaps (mis-selling) & options & FX derivatives, including pricing, valuation, hedging, trading, sales & marketing & applications for corporates, public sector & pension fund clients • 20 years' experience working at top investment banks, including UBS, Morgan Stanley, Deutsche Bank & Nomura, advising clients on using derivatives • I held several senior managing director roles, including global head of fixed income derivative sales to corporate & public sector...

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