
This list shows every expert witness in the UK Register of Expert Witnesses who claims expertise in Customs. Click on any expert witness to view full details. You may prefer to interactively search the Register.

Mr Emmott in LONDON
• Over 30 years' experience in metals, with focus on steel and ferrous sector: market, technical, operational, commercial • Substantial experience working with other experts, instructing law firms, counsel and clients with a collaborative style whilst maintaining independence • Involved in resolution of many complex international disputes. Written many expert reports for dispute resolution and arbitrations. Complied with IBA Rules 2020. Mainly civil work with some criminal, defence sector and mediation experience....
Revd Dr Pemberton Ford in ROYSTON
Seasoned and experienced expert providing effective, detailed court-ready reports for criminal, immigration tribunal cases • One-on-one interviews with clients on line preferred, to provide research-based reports, enriched by the client's attested history, alongside the frequently substantial court bundle • Particular expertise in MSA 2015/Section 45 and county lines vulnerabilities • Substantial court experience for cross-examination purposes for jury enlightenment • Reports typically 1 month from inception Work...
All aspects of international steel trading, including supplier/client liaison, commercial negotiation, historical pricing investigation, finance, shipping and logistics, documentary and contractual issues, L/Cs, customs procedures, homologations • Thorough knowledge of steel-making processes, finished steel products and their applications in industry
Mr Davidson in LEEDS
Forensic accounting • Money laundering • Proceeds of crime & confiscation • Fraud • Asset tracing • Fraudulent trading & director's disqualification • Personal injury • Fatal accident claims • Loss of earnings • Loss of profits • Loss of future earnings • Matrimonial • Assistance with Form E • Professional negligence • Dispute resolution • Director & shareholder disputes • Business & share valuations • Expert determinations • Business interruption • Consequential loss • Business acquisitions & disposals • Criminal investigations • Covid fraud • Furlough...
Forensic accountant specialising in crime & proceeds of crime, including theft (including theft from employer), fraud (including mortgage fraud & benefit fraud), money laundering & confiscation (under Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 & earlier legislation) • Preparing expert witness reports & giving evidence in Crown Court, Magistrates' Court or High Court
Mrs Berrington in TAVISTOCK
Criminal litigation support • Tax cheat • Benefit, VAT & duty fraud • Money laundering offences • Proceeds of Crime Act • Commercial fraud • Drugs offences • Civil matters, including: divorce settlements, partnership disputes, valuation of business, loss of earnings claims
Dr Hafidh in LONDON
Country researcher for Middle East and North African countries • Country reports • Document authentication • Disputed nationality • Dialect analysis • Forensic document authentication services (handwriting, tampering, alterations and translation) • Civil society in the Gulf • Islamist movements • Militia groups and radicalisation • Conflict and peacebuilding • Religious and ethnic minorities • Geopolitical trends and regional security • Diaspora and refugees • Human rights issues and modes of governance in the Middle East • LGBTQ and...

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