Data storage

This list shows every expert witness in the UK Register of Expert Witnesses who claims expertise in Data storage. Click on any expert witness to view full details. You may prefer to interactively search the Register.

Computer forensics • Data recovery • E-mail analysis • Computer crime • Internet abuse • Computer fraud • Mobile forensics • Training
Mr Shaw in LONDON
Artificial intelligence, AI, AR, 5G holograms • Blockchain • Smart contracts technology • Coding, Assembler machine language through to Z-notation • Cyber security, defence and offence, breaches • Data privacy • Digital media and IT technology • Due diligence • eDiscovery • Failed projects • Fintech, pure technology, start-ups and investments • Hardware, middleware, design and architecture • IoT • Network, telecoms • Software, forensic and anti-forensic • Digital forensics in multiple criminal cases regarding software, images, infringements •...
Mr Hogan in CHEADLE
Digital forensics • Computer forensics • Mobile phone forensics • CCTV forensics • SatNav forensics • USB storage device forensics • Network forensics • Deleted data recovery • e-Discovery Callum specialises in Digital Forensics and e-Discovery as an independent expert witness. His expertise means he completes each stage of Digital Forensic Investigation (DFI) models and the Electronic Discovery Reference Model (EDRM) whilst conforming to ACPO guidelines and ISO standards. This requires using various industry-standard Digital...
Mr Lewer in ASPATRIA
Computer forensics • Mobile phone forensics • Gathering & analysis of computer-related forensic data • Re-analysis of third party & police collected computer forensic data where the existence of rebuttal evidence is suggested • Specialist in 'EnCase' forensic data analysis • Holistic view of computer-related evidence taken where procedural impropriety is suspected • Evaluation of e-mails for veracity • All forms of computer data analysed & prepared for litigation according to current best practice • Recovery of deleted or...
Mr Christopher J Watts in TOWCESTER
Experienced in all aspects of digital investigations including child abuse images, intellectual property, fraud & murder • Expertise includes: • Computer forensics • Mobile phones & CCTV analysis • Reports provided in a clear, easy to understand format, avoiding technical jargon where possible • Prosecution, Single Joint Expert (SJE) & defence work undertaken Further information available at
Mr Ellison in LONDON
Nick Ellison is a senior director in the Data Insights and Forensics practice, based in London. Nick leverages more than 14 years of IT technology consultancy and software development experience. He has assisted clients with web and software development projects, disputed delivery of projects, fitness for purpose, IT security controls, digital forensics and cyber risk in the travel, manufacturing, wholesale and distribution, financial services, charities/third sector and hospitality sectors. Being an accomplished...
Dr Marshall in EDINBURGH
Broad knowledge of information technology, and experience as an entrepreneur and as a Gartner Analyst, provides additional experience in business management, intellectual property and enterprise requirements. Expertise includes: • Artificial intelligence • Blockchain and crypto • Cloud infrastructure • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) • Cybersecurity • Data analytics • Digital resilience • Disaster recovery • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) • Industry analysts • Intellectual property • Internet of things • Location-based...

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