Diminished responsibility

This list shows every expert witness in the UK Register of Expert Witnesses who claims expertise in Diminished responsibility. Click on any expert witness to view full details. You may prefer to interactively search the Register.

Professor Green in HELSBY
Post-traumatic stress disorder • Depressive disorders • Drugs in psychiatry, such as antidepressants & antipsychotics • Medical examinations (professional) • Medical negligence • Schizophrenia Alternative addresses: (i) 88 Rodney Street, Liverpool , L1 9AR. (ii) Applied MCT, Moss Nook House, 6-8 Trenchard Drive, Manchester , M22 5NA.
Dr Wilkins in MAIDENHEAD
I am a consultant general adult and forensic psychiatrist. My name is on the Specialist Register. I have provided expert witness services for over 40 years. I regularly receive instructions from solicitors, regulatory bodies, local authorities and others in relation to legal proceedings - criminal, civil and tribunal proceedings. I have received accredited training and have been an accredited trainer.
Dr Frazer in LEEDS
I used to undertake the assessment of claimants and defendants in civil claims, including personal injury and medical negligence cases. I have retired from the NHS, and have now stopped taking new cases. I continue to sit on the NEAP committee and to train doctors who seek reapproval under the MHA (1983). I am AC and Section 12(2)-approved. I am an on-call psychiatrist for Cygnet Hospitals Bradford.
Dr Pradhan in BIRMINGHAM
Psychopathology & psychiatric disorders • Trauma sequelae (psychiatry, including personal injury) • Post-traumatic stress disorder • Personality disorder • Criminal responsibility (psychiatric assessment) • Fitness to plead (psychiatric assessment) • Dangerous & risk assessment (psychiatric) • Crime victims (psychiatry) • Offender assessment (psychiatric) • Witness assessment & testamentary capacity • Criminal behaviour • Child & family cases (custody cases) • Psychiatric care & rehabilitating • Disability Discrimination Act - psychiatric •...
Dr Bains in THATCHAM
I am a trained psychiatrist and have a masters in mental health law. I work as a forensic psychiatrist and have expertise and experience of providing evidence in legal proceedings to courts. I have specialist expertise in learning disabilities and autism spectrum disorders. I have provided second opinion reports for Mental Health Review Tribunals. I am able to provide psychiatric reports and advice on matters such as fitness to plead.
Professor Palazidou in LONDON
General adult psychiatry • All kinds of mental disorder • Experienced in psychopharmacology • Drugs used in the treatment of mental disorders • Mood disorders • Manic depressive illness • Bipolar mood disorder and depression • Psychosis • Somali mental health • Medical negligence and personal injury • Assessing parental mental health Additional e-mail address: [email protected]
Personal injury • Medical negligence • Family courts proceedings • Criminal & forensic reports • PTSD • Occupational health • Adult ADHD • Drugs & alcohol • Sexual abuse • Personality disorders • Mood disorders & psychoses
Psychiatric reports for persons detained in secure conditions • Gender-specific (especially female) psychiatric issues • Reports for Mental Health Review Tribunals • Mental Health Act 1983 assessments • Psychiatric reports in criminal & civil cases • Assessment of: fire-setting behaviour, homicide cases, insanity, fitness to plead, sexual offending, violent offending • Assessment for: claims for sexual abuse, child custody cases, testamentary capacity
Dr Phull in LINCOLN
I have over 10 years of experience in the following areas: • Criminal matters • Personal injury • Clinical negligence • Parole-based reports • Capacity-based reports Typically, the report types I have produced during this time have included: • Desktop screening reports • Breach of duty reports • Condition and prognosis • Fitness to plead and court-based recommendation reports • Complex or serious injury reports Visiting Professor of Forensic Psychiatry, University of Lincoln
Areas of clinical expertise The assessment and management of: • Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders • Personality disorders • Dual diagnosis/substance and alcohol use disorders • Mood disorders (depression and bipolar) • Intellectual/learning disability • Adult ADHD • Autism Spectrum Disorder • Dementia syndromes • PTSD Areas of experience in the Criminal Courts I have completed expert witness reports and provided oral evidence in court on a range of offences, including murder, manslaughter, sexual offences,...
Psychiatric assessments • Providing expert testimony in legal proceedings • Evaluating criminal responsibility Managing mentally disordered offenders • Assessing risk of violence • Providing treatment to forensic psychiatric patients All correspondence to: British Medical Experts, 13 Park Terrace, Carmarthen, Carmarthenshire, SA31 3DG.

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