
This list shows every expert witness in the UK Register of Expert Witnesses who claims expertise in Dioxins. Click on any expert witness to view full details. You may prefer to interactively search the Register.

Mrs Martin in BIRMINGHAM
Asbestos exposure & illness: asbestosis, mesothelioma, lung cancer & pleural disease claims, property contamination • Occupational noise exposure (NIHL) in all industries • Occupational health - respiratory, dermal & cancer claims, e.g. dust, metals, silica, solvents, gases, lead, temperature & light • RSI/workplace injury • Musculoskeletal, PPE issues & accidents • Microbiology: mould & bacteria, Aspergillus spp • Water quality/source for injury, health (e.g. Legionellosis) & property • Land contamination by spillage...
Water resources • Water quality • Water supply, distribution • Drinking water quality & treatment • Sewage, waste water management • Oil spill environmental impact assessment, pollution, treatment • River pollution • Contaminated land relative to water quality • Legionella risk assessments
Dr Broomfield in MANCHESTER
Air quality, odour and health impacts specialist with BA chemistry from the University of Cambridge and PhD atmospheric chemistry • Over 30 years' experience as an industry specialist at ICI and in consultancy • Mark has appeared as an expert witness on over 40 occasions on issues including odour and air quality impact assessment; environmental and health effects of waste management; perception of health risks; road traffic emissions; and effects of air pollution on natural habitats

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