Dog bites

This list shows every expert witness in the UK Register of Expert Witnesses who claims expertise in Dog bites. Click on any expert witness to view full details. You may prefer to interactively search the Register.

Ms Wybraniec in LONDON
Anna Wybraniec is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist with over 25 years' professional experience in clinical psychology working in the NHS and in private practice in London. She has been involved in preparing medico-legal reports for courts since 2000. She specialises in psychological assessment of personal and criminal injuries following traumatic events, such as: • RTA • Work and industrial accidents • Animal attacks • Physical and sexual assaults • Violence • Emotional and physical abuse • Robberies • Harassment • Medical...
Ms Davies in LONDON
Established in 2007, Skin Camouflage Services Ltd provides clinical treatment to the healthcare profession and is best placed to offer expert quantum services for adults, young people and children • Expert reports provide a professional skin camouflage opinion on past, present and future care arising from clinical assessment • Specialist scar therapy • Over 25 years' practitioner experience • Bond Solon trained • CPD compliant • Six medical consulting clinics across the UK Burns: chemical, fire, hot liquids and electricity •...
Dr d'Sa in ALTON
Criminal & civil proceedings for both defence & prosecution cases • Dog behaviour/training & breed identification, including prohibited breeds • Dangerous dogs legislation • Police Dog Legislation Officer (DLO) training • Dog behaviour expert for police constabularies across the UK • Dog bites • Human fatalities involving dogs • Cat behaviour • Animal behaviour (mammals & birds) • Animal welfare & protection • Animal-related environmental matters • Animal boarding establishments - licensing matters • Animal assessments for owners...
Qualified dog behaviour specialist with extensive experience assessing and rehabilitating dogs • Expert evidence provided in civil and criminal proceedings for both defence and prosecution cases • Specialist in dangerous dog legislation • Provides expert evidence in cases of dogs seized under Section 1 or Section 3 of the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 and Section 2 of the Animal Act 1971 • Dog bites • Human fatalities involving dogs • Expert evidence in welfare cases under the Animal Welfare Act 2006 • Animal risk assessments...
Mr Hesmondhalgh in BOLTON
Shaun is a Canine Clinical Behaviourist available to support Legal Counsel in any dog-related matters that may fall under the auspices of the following legislation: • Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 • Dangerous Dogs (Amendment) Act 1997 • Dogs Act 1871 • Antisocial Behaviour Crime & Policing Act 2014 • The Dogs (Protection of Livestock) Act 1953 • Animal Welfare Act 2006 • Guard Dog Act 1975 • The Animals Act 1971 We provide support by conducting the following: • Conformation assessments to identify 'breed' or 'type'. • Dog...
Ms Ownhouse in LONDON
Adult personality disorder • Adult mental health • Impact of alcohol and drug misuse • Adult attachment style • Trauma • Adverse childhood experiences • Relationship issues and family dynamics, including impact of domestic violence and/or substance misuse • Psychopathology in adults • Parenting (including therapeutic and support needs of parents, prospect of change and the likely timescale for that change) • Personal injury • Risk of violence • Risk of sexual violence
Dr Kouble in SHEFFIELD
Dental identification • Dental aspects of child abuse • Dental aspects of non-accidental injury • Bite mark analysis • Forensic dentistry • Forensic odontology • Forensic odonto-stomatology • Dog bite injury analysis
Mr Shepherd in RETFORD
Qualified and experienced in recognising and understanding complex canine behaviours • Providing expert evidence in civil and criminal proceedings for both defence and prosecution cases in detailed accurate reports • Specialising in dangerous dog legislation and cases of dogs seized under Section 1 or Section 3 of the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 • Extensive multi-agency working experience with multiple police forces, RSPCA, local authorities, social services and animal welfare rehoming organisations
Mrs Ross in LONDON
Expert Witness reports • Bond Solon trained • Specialist in skin camouflage applications for men, women and children who have a range of disfigurements, i.e. scars, skin graft tissue, burns, pigmentation, etc. • Wide and specialised product range • Long-term solutions for camouflaging scarring, reducing appearance by up to 80% • Able to determine if medical micropigmentation is suitable, and provide projected costings for treatment as well as or instead of skin camouflage creams Also consulting in Liverpool and Hertfordshire. ...
Assessment of dogs to determine and report on whether or not the dog may represent an ongoing danger to the public and if any problem identified could be managed/controlled to ensure public safety. In respect of the 1991 Dangerous Dogs Act: • Is the dog inherently dangerous and does it represent an ongoing danger to the owner, the owner's immediate family and/or the general public? • Could any problem be resolved and/or managed, i.e. control with lead and muzzle? • Are the owners fit and proper to look after...
Mrs Howell in DOBSHILL
I can provide expert evidence in respect of cases under Section 1 and Section 3 of the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 and Section 2 of the Animals Act 1971. Services include a thorough investigation of the circumstances leading up to a dog bite incident, a behavioural assessment and conformation assessment (if required) of the dog, and assessment of the home environment. A full written report and video and photographic evidence are provided. As a former police detective, I have extensive court experience. I am currently...
All matters relating to the training, care & operational deployment of general purpose police dogs, & specialist search dogs used for the detection of explosives, drugs, currency & weapons • The training, care & deployment of firearms support dogs • Selection & behavioural traits of dogs deemed suitable for police work • The deployment of a police dog in relation to both use of force and non use of force • Providing dog behaviour advice • Accredited Police Dog Instructor awarded by Home Office Standing Advisory Committee...
Expert evidence on dogs banned under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 both for type & behaviour • Behavioural assessments on dogs seized by police as dangerously out of control • Expert evidence given in animal welfare & livestock worrying cases • Have multi-agency working experience with RSPCA, local authorities & animal welfare organisations • Have presented seminars to various groups & professional bodies including veterinary professionals, police officers, local authority officers & charitable bodies • Former police...
Senior lecturer in animal behaviour, human-animal interactions and companion animal behaviour counselling • Chair of Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors • Trustee of Animal Behaviour and Training Council Animal behaviour and welfare • Behaviour and temperament assessment of dogs • Aspects of dog behaviour in general • The human-animal bond • Attitudes to animals • Animals in human housing • Role of animals for physical and emotional health of humans of all ages
Ms Phillips in HIGH PEAK
Registered Clinical Animal Behaviourist. Full Member of the Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors • Assessment of dogs seized under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 Section 3 • Behavioural assessments of dogs seized by police as dangerously out of control • Behavioural assessments include full investigation around the circumstances of the dog bite or incident and the dog's home environment - full written report, photographic and video evidence
Dr McCarthy in BRISTOL
I provide clinical psychology expert witness reports for court in the areas of personal injury and medical negligence involving children and adolescents. The reports assess the impact of traumatic events on the psychological functioning of children, the nature of the injury suffered and give recommendations for treatment. I provide clinical psychology expert witness reports for court proceedings involving public and private legal cases involving the care and upbringing of children and adolescents.
Mr Turner in LONDON
Experience of pit bulls since 1978 • Police officer 37 years • Dog handler 25 years • Worked with RSPCA, local authorities & other animal welfare organisations • Organises seminars & gives presentations on dangerous dogs to police officers & local authorities • Assessments on dog breed & temperament • Receives instructions from defence & prosecution teams & local authorities • Examined dogs in four high-profile cases
Qualified canine behaviourist • Assessment of dogs suspected of being 'dangerous dogs' under Section 3 DDA 1991 and for 'type' assessment for dogs suspected of being prohibited under Section 1 of the Act • Assessment of dogs involved in cruelty cases both for defence and prosecuting authorities • Clients include Police and CPS services throughout the UK, local authorities, private solicitors, RSPCA • Highly experienced in giving expert evidence in both magistrates' and crown courts, including appeal courts
Colin is able to assist in both civil and criminal court cases as an expert witness in: • Dangerous dog-related matters under the Dangerous Dog Act 1991 (as amended 1997) • The Dogs Act 1871 Section 2 • The Antisocial Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014 pertaining to dog-related matters • The Dogs (Protection of Livestock) Act 1953 • Animal Welfare Act (2006) Colin is an accredited retired Police Dog Legislation Officer (DLO). As an expert witness in banned breed dog identification, Colin is able to conduct...

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