Drug addiction

This list shows every expert witness in the UK Register of Expert Witnesses who claims expertise in Drug addiction. Click on any expert witness to view full details. You may prefer to interactively search the Register.

Dr Skett in GLASGOW
Clearance of alcohol from the body • Metabolism of alcohol • Calculation of blood or breath alcohol concentrations • Interaction of alcohol with other drugs • Clearance of drugs & chemicals from the body • Toxic effects of drugs & chemicals • Uses & abuses of drugs • Drugs of abuse
Ms Smales in LONDON
Adults • Mental health, including schizophrenia, personality disorder, bipolar, depression, anxiety, dementia and mild to moderate learning disabilities • Forensic mental health and risk • Best Interest decisions • Section 117 aftercare and eligibility criteria • Care Act assessments • Deprivation of liberty safeguards and Best Interest decisions • Mental capacity decisions • Forensic risk analysis, including completion of HCR20s • Mental Health Review Tribunals • Social work holistic needs assessments • Health and Social Care...
Illicit drug supply including: • Drug valuations, including POCA • Social supply • Street dealing • County lines • Chemsex • Interpretation of communications and notations (including encrypted) • Organised crime • Cannabis cultivation • Illicit drugs laboratories • Urban street gangs • Street slang Firearms supply, including: • Valuations • Methodologies of importation and supply • Slang
Dr Eaton frequently diagnoses and manages matters including, but not limited to, infections, injuries, hypertension, ischaemic heart disease, atrial fibrillation, heart failure, cerebrovascular disease, dementia, depression, schizophrenia, drug and alcohol misuse, asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Dr Eaton has a special interest in sexual and reproductive health, including the provision of vasectomies and subdermal and intrauterine contraceptive procedures.
Dr Ranu in ROMFORD
Clinical forensic medicine (general) • Clinical forensic medicine - wounding • Road Traffic Act (alcohol & drugs) • Traffic medicine • Police complaints • Custody medicine • Trauma • Assault • ABH • GBH • Assessment of victims of torture • Interpretation of scarring • Sexual assault & sexual offences medicine • Cardiff University Bond Solon Expert Witness Certificate (Criminal Law) by examination 2015 Additional website: http://www.medical-expert.net
Dr Dunsmuir-White in LEEDS
Adult mental health • Trauma, complex trauma and PTSD • Addictions • Anger and violence • Childhood sexual abuse • Psychological assessment following road traffic incidents • Psychological assessment following workplace injury • Personal injury • Clinical negligence • Mental Health Review Tribunals • Assessment of risk of violence (HCR-20 trained), sexual violence (RSVP trained), domestic violence (SARA trained) and stalking (SAM trained)
Dr Sakhuja in CARDIFF
Medico-legal work 1. Personal injury - all aspects of personal injury 2. Medical negligence 3. Psychiatric consequences of medical negligence 4. Traumatic brain injury 5. Drug & alcohol testing 6. Hair analysis for family courts 7. Chronic pain 8. Psychiatric consequences of abuse 9. Immigration matters 10. Employment tribunals Treatments for addictions & psychiatric illness Tier 1 APIL Expert • CUBS Expert Witness Certificate • Certificate of Medical Reporting - 1
Independent (not ex-police) expert evidence & consultancy in criminal cases involving controlled drugs (amphetamine, LSD, MDMA/ecstasy, heroin, cocaine, NPS) • Valuation • Consumption patterns • Effects of drugs on behaviour & driving ability • Surveys of drug use & drug users • Research services & sample testing • Literature search & document retrieval • Cannabis: market analysis • Estimation of potential yields from cannabis cultivation systems • Quality assessment • Interpretation of forensic analyses • Therapeutic & medicinal...

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