Environmental protection

This list shows every expert witness in the UK Register of Expert Witnesses who claims expertise in Environmental protection. Click on any expert witness to view full details. You may prefer to interactively search the Register.

Dr Purnell in ST ALBANS
Health risk assessment & control of hazards in the workplace • Occupational hygiene • Noise • Hand-arm vibration • COSHH • LEV • Personal protective equipment • Legionella risk assessment & control • Microbiological hazards Areas of expert witness work include: • Investigation of workplace accidents and environmental pollution incidents • Identification of causative factors in cases of occupational ill-health • Examination of work environments and equipment following failure and/or injury • Inspection of workplaces, processes...
Occupational noise & vibration exposure assessments, including historical retrospective cases • Planning & licensing matters involving noise or vibration • Forensic acoustic studies as may be required in criminal proceedings, e.g. likely audibility & intelligibility of speech
Mr Saunders in WINCHESTER
Environmental noise • Community noise problems • Sports noise • Music noise, including public entertainment licence & Environmental Protection Act hearings • Planning enquiries • Transportation noise • Railway noise & vibration • Road traffic noise • Architectural & building acoustics • Building acoustics from studios to synagogues • Building services noise • Workplace & industrial noise • Occupational hearing damage assessments & evidence • Control of plant noise & vibration
Accident investigation • Major hazards • Fire • Explosion • Toxic gas • Chemical spills • HSWA • COMAH • COSHH • DSEAR • Industrial injuries from chemical & process hazards • Risk from transport, storage, handling & treatment of chemicals, including hazardous waste • Environmental impact assessment • Accidents to the environment • Planning inquiries (risk & air pollution issues) • Air pollution, including odour nuisance & food tainting • Cargo quality disputes • Cargo contamination incidents Over 25 years' experience in research, postgraduate...
Mr Danks in READING
Town & country planning: • Environmental impact • Environmental protection: • Environmental management • Environmental monitoring • Water: • Water resources • Water quality • River pollution • Effluent pollution, analysis & treatment • Air: • Odour pollution & nuisance • Agriculture: • Agricultural engineering • Agricultural construction & use regulations • Health & safety accidents • Irrigation systems
Mr White in BRISTOL
Over 30 years’ environment sector experience as regulator and consultant • Expert in waste treatment infrastructure commercial disputes and claims since 2010 • Expert in permit breaches, civil disputes and criminal cases (e.g. Environmental Protection Act, Waste Shipments, Duty of Care) • Cross-examined in Crown Court and International Tribunal • Former Environment Agency investigation and enforcement officer • PACE trained • Conveys complex technical and regulatory information into plain English
Mr Horrocks in ST ALBANS
All forms of environmental health work undertaken, including: • Environmental protection, including air pollution control • Environmental, community & occupational noise assessment & control • Investigation & resolution of statutory nuisances • Environmental assessments of new development proposals under Town & Country Planning Acts • Food poisoning investigations • Food safety audits • Food hygiene training • Housing disrepair & fitness assessments • Health & safety risk assessment & accident investigations • Policy development...
Professor Ball in NORWICH
Risk assessment, examinations, evaluations & reports • Public safety • Occupational safety • Environmental contamination • Risk management policy • Safety policy • Water slide safety • Playground safety • Leisure & sport safety • Consumer safety • Transport safety • Accidents • Child safety • Legal requirements for safety
Environmental noise: • Community noise problems • Sports noise • Music noise, including public entertainment licence & Environmental Protection Act hearings • Planning inquiries • Pop festivals • Transportation noise: • Prediction & expert evidence on aircraft noise • Railway noise & vibration • Road traffic noise • Architectural & building acoustics: • Building acoustics from studios to synagogues • Building services noise • Workplace & industrial noise: • Occupational hearing damage assessments & evidence • Control of plant noise &...

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