Professor Ashworth in MANCHESTER
Professor Ashworth is particularly interested in paediatric eye disorders , including cerebral visual impairment, congenital cataract and glaucoma, childhood strabismus and amblyopia, genetic eye disorders, paediatric uveitis, neurometabolic disease and the eye, and retinopathy of prematurity. Adult cases are not accepted.
Mr Leatherbarrow in MANCHESTER
All aspects of eyelid, orbital and lacrimal surgery, including: • Blepharoptosis • Cosmetic eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) • Brow lift surgery • Eyelid and orbital trauma, including orbital fractures • Eyelid and orbital tumours • Eyelid reconstructive surgery • Enucleation/evisceration • Socket reconstructive surgery following loss of an eye • Thyroid eye disease • The watering eye • Eyelid and upper facial surgery for facial palsy • Dermal filler injections and the management of associated complications • General ophthalmic disorders,...