Dr Davies in CARDIFF
Regular appointments at Cyncoed Consulting Rooms, Cardiff and by arrangement at London, Exeter, Bristol, Birmingham and Liverpool. 24 years' consultant level experience • MRCPsych exams passed and CUBS accredited • Usual availability 6-8 weeks • Fees £300/hour+VAT • Adult psychiatry • Liaison psychiatry • Psychiatric reactions to illness and trauma, including PTSD and depression • Psychiatric aspects of chronic pain - somatoform disorders
Dr Birch in email/phone contact only
A Paediatrician and Psychotherapist experienced in working with young people and families, particularly with respect to child neglect and protection, family disturbance, substance abuse and domestic violence. A leading authority on adolescence and teen pregnancy and have worked with psychopathic personalities, disorders such as borderline personalities, learning disabilities and with children in situations of physical, emotional and sexual abuse, as well as factitious illness (Munchausen)-type syndromes....