Special interest in general practice, family planning, women’s health and medical education.
Professor Gupta in BIRMINGHAM
I practice general obstetrics & gynaecology with special interests in minimal access "keyhole" surgery (laparoscopic, hysteroscopic & endoscopic surgery) • My expertise is in benign gynaecology, which incorporates menstrual disorders such as menorrhagia (heavy periods), fibroids & endometriosis • Past Trustee for Endometriosis UK
Dr Bracey in LIVERPOOL
I have 35 years' experience as an NHS GP and am now a part-time sessional GP. For 14 years I was a GP trainer. I have been preparing reports on allegations of GP clinical negligence for 20 years. I am a Fellow of the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare, and was previously an Instructing Doctor on this subject. Until recently, I was a part-time SCMO in Family Planning. For many years I was a part-time CMO in Child Welfare. Over the past 25 years I have developed a practice specialising in reviewing...
Dr Bint in WOKING
I have been an NHS GP for 20 years. As a GP, I have worked in a variety of settings, including as a GP Principal (for 8 years), locum work in practices (for 4 years), out-of-hours care, urgent GP care (including within A&E), telephone triage, covering a cottage hospital, looking after patients in nursing and residential homes, and looking after private patients. I currently work as a freelance GP.
Particular interest in sexual and reproductive healthcare • Trained to fit intrauterine and subdermal contraceptive devices • Focused menopause care