
This list shows every expert witness in the UK Register of Expert Witnesses who claims expertise in Fibres. Click on any expert witness to view full details. You may prefer to interactively search the Register.

Glass analysis • Paint analysis • Fibre analysis • Footwear mark & toolmark comparisons • Forensic evidence, general • Analytical chemistry • Drink drive calculations • Drug analysis, valuation & packaging • MDT analysis • Drug driving • Electronic tags
Dr Parsons in LONDON
Investigation of engineering, materials and corrosion-related failures • Mechanical failures in load-bearing components • Glass damage • Metallurgical incidents • Analysis of fire-damaged metals • Fibre identification • Investigation of cargo damage • Cargo liquefaction cases • Incidents involving coating failures (paint) I have provided expert testimony in court in the UK, Hong Kong and Singapore.
Ms Anne Franc CBiol MSB in LONDON
Forensic Equity is a leading provider of forensic science services. With well over 1,000 years of combined experience, our forensic scientists cover all of the major forensic disciplines. All of our services and fee rates are suitable for legal aid applicants. We are always happy to receive case papers and will assess them and provide an initial opinion without charge. Accounting Mark Holdsworth FMAAT CFE MAE Robert Miller BSc(Hons) FCA MAE Biology Nigel Hodge BSc BTh DipPS John Page BA MSBiol CBiol PGDipSciSoc...
Exposure assessment and control of chemical, physical and biological agents • Personal protective equipment requirement, selection, use and management • Risk assessment • Health and safety management systems • Incident investigation • Manual handling • Asbestos exposure
Mr Strudwick in MANCHESTER
All fields of textiles, including: • Fibre • Yarn • Apparel fabric • Furnishing fabric • Floor coverings • General product safety • Material identification • Colour fastness • Colour measurement • Microbiology • Oven gloves • Hot water bottles
Dr Cook in CARDIFF
Fire investigation • Explosion investigation • Bulk cargo investigation • Bulk solid cargo subject matter expert

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