
This list shows every expert witness in the UK Register of Expert Witnesses who claims expertise in Fish. Click on any expert witness to view full details. You may prefer to interactively search the Register.

Over 40 years of professional experience investigating water-related problems in construction and environmental health. Acted as expert or single joint expert for over 300 civil and criminal cases, arbitration, adjudication and public enquiries. Recent clients have included DEFRA, Drinking Water Inspectorate, NHS, Environment Agency, National House Building Council, local authorities and water PLCs. Specification and management of water systems and water protection in buildings • Drainage • Sewage treatment • Septic...
Mr Caselton in BOURNEMOUTH
My fields of expertise are set out in my website & include: • Yacht & small craft surveying • Investigations into damage, accidents, etc. • Construction & repair supervision - I am Consultant Surveyor to the Lyme Regis Boat Building Academy • Registrations • MCA & RCD coding • I am currently taking a course in cargo surveying • Associate Member of the Academy of Experts • I am a Qualified Paralegal & a Fellow of the Institute of Paralegals in respect of which I have professional indemnity insurance Additional email: [email protected] Additional...
Dr Dinsdale in NORWICH
Consultant & Expert Witness (criminal & civil) since 1978 • Investigation of accidental food contamination claims (UK & abroad), & allegations of food safety offences (UK & Ireland) For criminal cases, see especially R -v- Kashioulis , Wood Green CC, T1999-0567, successfully defended by Margetts & Ritchie & Gough Square Chambers, & West Berkshire Council -v- Little Jogs Nursery , successfully defended by Gough Square Chambers. For civil cases, see especially Buckley -v- Oakford Oysters , Bournemouth County Court,...
Simon Burnay MEng(Hons) MRINA & Nigel James AFNI in LONDON
Role of the Prudent Shipmaster: • Marine accident investigation • Charter Party disputes • Unsafe ports & berths • Due diligence • Navigation • Collisions • Groundings • Seamanship • ISM code • Hold cleanliness • Hatch covers • Cargo stowage & securing Ship operations: • Ship management • Ship performance • Seaworthiness • Passage planning • Fumigation • Liquefaction • Ship-handling • Weather routing • Containers Bulk cargoes: coal, concentrates, grain, ore, fertilizer, steel, timber, rice, sugar, DRI, fines, scrap, cement, sulphur Tankers: crude oil,...

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