
This list shows every expert witness in the UK Register of Expert Witnesses who claims expertise in Garages. Click on any expert witness to view full details. You may prefer to interactively search the Register.

Expertise: • Safety • Accident investigation • Health & Safety at Work Act & Regulations • Personal injury • Fires • Explosions • Risk assessment • Safety management • Occupational accidents • Product safety • Dangerous goods • Falls • Mechanical or structural failure • Machinery Sectors: • Industrial • Construction • Mechanical • Electrical • Manufacturing • Factories • Oil • Gas • Offshore • Chemicals • Pipelines • Railways • Public transport • Ports & docks • Food • Retail • Leisure
Mr Marmoy-Haynes in UPMINSTER
I accept instructions from defendants and claimants via solicitors on most health and safety topics. I have particular experience in health and safety legislation, fatal accident investigation, manufacturing, construction, banking, education, healthcare, charity, retail and pharmaceuticals. My skills include: risk assessment, training, work at height, fall prevention, safe systems of work, safety documentation and policies, fire safety and protection, COSHH, manual handling and work equipment.

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