Gunshot residues

This list shows every expert witness in the UK Register of Expert Witnesses who claims expertise in Gunshot residues. Click on any expert witness to view full details. You may prefer to interactively search the Register.

Firearms, prohibited weapons, ballistics, explosives, gunshot residue (GSR) analysis, wound analysis, bladed and offensive weapons • Over 35 years' experience • Critical assessment of forensic reports, classification of exhibits including identification of any alternative classifications, particularly regarding antique firearms and items charged under section 5, Firearms Act 1968 and alleged readily convertible imitation firearms • Examination and testing including chronographic testing of air guns • Member of the...
Mrs Smith in SLOUGH
BioMark Forensics arranges experts for the legal profession, including in legally aided cases. Our Case Manager has over 30 years’ experience in forensics, including as an expert herself, so we understand the system and what is needed. The experts we provide have many years’ experience in their respective fields, produce comprehensive reports and are proficient at Court. Evidence covered includes: • Alcohol back calculations • Audio evidence • Blood pattern analysis • CCTV evidence • Collision investigation • Computer...
Glass analysis • Paint analysis • Fibre analysis • Footwear mark & toolmark comparisons • Forensic evidence, general • Analytical chemistry • Drink drive calculations • Drug analysis, valuation & packaging • MDT analysis • Drug driving • Electronic tags
Dr Douse in TAUNTON
FORENSIC EXPERT WITNESS SERVICES OF THE YEAR 2019 FORENSIC EXPERT OF THE YEAR 2018 FORENSIC EXPERT WITNESS OF THE YEAR 2017 (EXPLOSIVES) FORENSIC EXPERT WITNESS SERVICES OF THE YEAR 2016 as a result of a poll of 100,000 solicitors and barristers carried out by Lawyer Monthly magazine. • Expert Witness Institute (EWI) Number: 1168 • The International Association of Forensic Toxicologists (TIAFT) Number: 8984 PUBLIC ENQUIRIES Provision of overall forensic coordination of evidence and analysis of total expert effort...
Expertise in firearms & video imagery material • 20+ years as full-time forensic scientist • 40+ years' experience of firearms, 20 years' experience of imagery material Identification, testing, research & classification of firearms (including pistols, revolvers, shotguns, rifles, air guns, machine guns, antique firearms), ammunition, stun guns & pyrotechnics • Microscopic comparison of bullets & cartridge cases to suspect gun • Toolmarks • Examination of crime scenes, clothing, vehicles for gunshot damage, lines of...
Ms Anne Franc CBiol MSB in LONDON
Forensic Equity is a leading provider of forensic science services. With well over 1,000 years of combined experience, our forensic scientists cover all of the major forensic disciplines. All of our services and fee rates are suitable for legal aid applicants. We are always happy to receive case papers and will assess them and provide an initial opinion without charge. Accounting Mark Holdsworth FMAAT CFE MAE Robert Miller BSc(Hons) FCA MAE Biology Nigel Hodge BSc BTh DipPS John Page BA MSBiol CBiol PGDipSciSoc...

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