
This list shows every expert witness in the UK Register of Expert Witnesses who claims expertise in Harbours. Click on any expert witness to view full details. You may prefer to interactively search the Register.

Mr Harding in CONSETT
Serving Master with Maersk on container ships with a wide experience covering all aspects of this industry for 25 years.
Mr Tucker in LONDON
Structural engineering • Civil engineering • Forensic engineering • Maritime engineering • Coastal engineering • Design • Construction • Workmanship • Professional negligence • Damage • Defects analysis • Cracking • Buckling • Corrosion • Deflections • Deterioration • Dilapidations • Settlement • Subsidence • Heave • Ground movement • Concrete quality • Concrete durability • Concrete strength • Concrete testing • Basements • Foundations • Refurbishment • New build • Historic buildings • Raised access floors • Floor slabs • Screeds • Structural analysis • Structural stability •...
Hughes in CARLISLE
Occupational safety & health representation • Accident/incident investigation • Risk assessment & analysis • Management systems • Safe work systems • Human factors • Engineering failures • Compliance • Due diligence • Expert witness • COVID 19 risk assessment, audit & compliance checking • Review of systematic failures and consequences investigation.
Dr Al Jarratt in HITCHIN
Mediator • Practising Certified Intl Commercial Mediator • ICE's Mediator/Conciliator • CIArb's Mediator • CIArb's CDP Mediator • CIArb's Personal Injury Mediator • CIArb's LB of Tower Hamlets Mediator • RICS' Mediator • CMC's Mediator • CIC's Mediator • TAE's QDR • TAE BMF's Mediator • Clerksroom's Mediator • ICC's Mediator • IMI's Mediator • IMI's Mentor • FIMC's Mediator • WIPO's Mediator • IOM's Mediator • BIMC's Mediator • AMATI • Mayor's & City of London Court's Mediator Arbitrator & Adjudicator • Practising Intl Arbitrator...

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