Hepatobiliary surgery

This list shows every expert witness in the UK Register of Expert Witnesses who claims expertise in Hepatobiliary surgery. Click on any expert witness to view full details. You may prefer to interactively search the Register.

Personal/occupational injury claims (abdominal trauma) Surgical negligence involving: • Emergency or elective general surgery (intestinal obstruction, peritonitis, appendicitis, abdominal pain, hernias) • Upper GI/hepatobiliary (gallbladder surgery, jaundice, splenectomy, hiatus hernia, reflux) • Sarcoma, adrenal tumours, GIST, neuroendocrine tumours • Endocrine surgery • Complications (anastomotic leak, ureteric injury) • Endoscopy, ERCP
Mr Duxbury in GLASGOW
Subspecialist interests: • Surgical management of pancreatic, liver, gallbladder & biliary tree disease • Emergency general surgery • Daycase surgery • Procedures: • Laparoscopic & open liver, pancreatic & biliary surgery (benign & malignant disease) • Laparoscopic & open cholecystectomy, bile duct exploration, management of bile duct injuries, splenectomy, hernia surgery, minor operations, e.g. skin lesions • Trained in endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)
General and upper GI surgery, HPB (liver and pancreas) surgery, gallbladder/bile duct surgery, soft tissue (sarcoma) cancers, liver and pancreatic disease, skin sarcoma and melanoma, oncological and cancer surgery, minimal access surgery (robotic/laparoscopic surgery) and liver transplant and multi-organ retrieval surgery.
Professor Primrose in SOUTHAMPTON
General surgery • Intestinal surgery • Gastrointestinal cancer • Colorectal surgery • Hepatobiliary surgery
Mr Thomas in SHEFFIELD
Surgery • Gastroenterology • Hepatobiliary surgery • Pancreatic surgery • Endocrine surgery • Hernia
Professor Lodge in LEEDS
General surgery: gallstones, cholecystectomy, laparoscopy, bile duct injury • HPB surgery: liver cancer, liver resection, bile duct stricture, bile duct cancer, liver trauma, liver transplantation • Bariatric surgery: gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy • Capability assessments for NHS trusts and reports for the GMC
Areas of expertise & special interest: • General paediatric surgery • Gastrointestinal surgery • Neonatal & infant surgery • Paediatric trauma • Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy • Hepatobiliary surgery • Emergency paediatric surgery • Medical audit I was appointed as a Consultant Paediatric Surgeon and Honorary Senior Lecturer in 1985. I spent 6 years as Clinical Director of Surgery. Now retired from the NHS. Now work 3 days per week on medico-legal activity.

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