Histopathology: specifically in thyroid pathology and cytology, and gastrointestinal pathology • Pathology - cancer, gastric, gastrointestinal, oesophageal, small intestine, colon • Parathyroid gland • Thyroid gland • Adrenal gland I have a particular interest in thyroid pathology and cytology as a member of various UK and international expert groups with a significant number of peer-reviewed publications. Visiting Associate Professor, UCL Cancer Centre, London.
Ms Anne Franc CBiol MSB in LONDON
Forensic Equity is a leading provider of forensic science services. With well over 1,000 years of combined experience, our forensic scientists cover all of the major forensic disciplines. All of our services and fee rates are suitable for legal aid applicants. We are always happy to receive case papers and will assess them and provide an initial opinion without charge. Accounting Mark Holdsworth FMAAT CFE MAE Robert Miller BSc(Hons) FCA MAE Biology Nigel Hodge BSc BTh DipPS John Page BA MSBiol CBiol PGDipSciSoc...
Professor Shepherd in CHELTENHAM
Gastro-intestinal pathology • I am a nationally & internationally recognised expert in the field of gastro-intestinal pathology • My particular interests are in the diagnosis & prognosis of gastro-intestinal tumours, inflammatory bowel disease & Barrett's oesophagus • I have undertaken more than 200 medico-legal cases for plaintiffs & defendants, & have attended many courts • Erroneous & delayed pathological diagnoses make up a considerable proportion of cases