Mr Carr in NEWARK
With over 35 years' professional experience, Robin Carr is able to provide advice, representation & expert reports/expert witness provision on: • The Existence, status & alignment of public rights of way & other highways (both modern & ancient) • Public Rights of Way Orders & Proceedings under the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981; Highways Act 1980; Town & Country Planning Act 1990; Countryside & Rights of Way Act 2000; & other associated legislation • Public Path Orders & Definitive Map Modification Orders •...
All art and antiques • Specialisations: entertainment memorabilia, including rock and pop, theatre and film • Modern and contemporary art • Maps and topographical prints • 18th century French furniture and ceramics
With 38 years' professional experience of interpretation and mapping from historic and modern aerial photographs, stereoscopic pairs of analogue aerial photographs, digital aerial imagery, Lidar data and satellite imagery • Interpretation and use of historic and modern map evidence • Evidence provision for heritage and archaeology, legal land use, adverse possession, town and village green matters, boundary issues and disputes, property curtilage and extent, building regulations issues, planning, rights of way...
I have been an expert witness on mapping matters and boundaries since 1992 in the UK, Germany and Singapore. More particularly, I have been instructed in surveying for boundary disputes, demarcation & rights of way since 2001 when I set up my practice. I have attained the Cardiff University Bond Solon Certificate as an expert witness, and am a member of the RICS Boundaries & Party Walls Group. Honorary Lecturer at UCL in law applicable to boundaries, easements & land registration. Summary 1. Boundary demarcation...
Professor Martin in MARKET HARBOROUGH
• Litigation disputes relating to rights of way, access and wayleave agreements, covenants, uplift agreements. • State involvement in agriculture and farming; the impact of food production campaigns of the first and second world wars; agri-environment schemes. • Historical research • Enclosures • Changes in land ownership • The National Farm Survey 1941-43. • Tenancy and access agreements: sporting rights, tenancy and access agreements, agri-environmental schemes. • Management and access agreements for infrastructure...