
This list shows every expert witness in the UK Register of Expert Witnesses who claims expertise in Hydrology. Click on any expert witness to view full details. You may prefer to interactively search the Register.

Mr Pereira in RICHMOND
Geotechnical engineering • Piling • Ground improvement
Mr Allitt in CRAWLEY
Additional expert Mr John Hilson BSc MICE MCIWEM CEng, Chartered Civil Engineer Richard Allitt Associates Ltd, Suite A4, Chadwick House, Birchwood Park, WARRINGTON, WA3 6AE Email: [email protected] Flooding • Hydrology • Hydraulic modelling • Surface water management • Integrated urban drainage • Drainage & sewerage • Sewerage management • Waste water • Land drainage • Reservoir inundation modelling
Dr Whitlow in BRISTOL
Mathematical/hydraulic modelling of rivers or estuaries • Hydrology, water quality, hydromorphology/geomorphology • Dam break modelling • Professional indemnity insurance claims • Professional negligence claims • Small- and large-scale drainage • Flood risk management and modelling • Impact of infrastructure failure • Planning issues associated with flood risk • Environment Agency flood zone mapping • Impact of flood defence construction • Flood risk mitigation measures • Damage caused by flooding
Mr Barmpopoulos in LONDON
Geotechnical engineering • Geotechnical analysis • Geotechnical design • Geotechnical assessment • Heavy civils • Buildings • Bridges • Basements • Maritime structures • Industrial slabs • Infrastructure • Road pavements • External paving • Site investigation • Desk study • Ground investigation • Groundwater • Seepage • Foundations • Shallow foundations • Footings • Raft foundations • Deep foundations • Bored piles • Driven piles • Rock sockets • Pile testing • Earth retaining structures • Reinforced earth walls • Gravity retaining wall • Gabion walls • Precast concrete...

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