Ms Anne Franc CBiol MSB in LONDON
Forensic Equity is a leading provider of forensic science services. With well over 1,000 years of combined experience, our forensic scientists cover all of the major forensic disciplines. All of our services and fee rates are suitable for legal aid applicants. We are always happy to receive case papers and will assess them and provide an initial opinion without charge. Accounting Mark Holdsworth FMAAT CFE MAE Robert Miller BSc(Hons) FCA MAE Biology Nigel Hodge BSc BTh DipPS John Page BA MSBiol CBiol PGDipSciSoc...
Afentis Forensics is a leading UK scientific investigation practice, providing sophisticated analysis of computers, mobile telephone devices, cell site analysis, e-Discovery, indecent imagery (Operation Ore) & audio-visual exhibit assessments • Certified analysts are available to assist with DNA evidence, fingerprint comparisons, firearm or ballistic studies, & the evaluation of questioned documents • Forensic scientists are recognised expert witnesses, available to present findings in clear witness statements...
Mr Dilloway in BRISTOL
I have over 45 years' experience working with computers and more than 20 years and 300 cases as an expert witness. My work clarifies technical evidence simply and concisely, and assists common understanding of cases among lawyers, clients and experts. I produce clearly worded reports and clear spoken evidence. Criminal cases include indecent images, terrorism, false accounting, computer misuse and unauthorised access, fraud, extreme and prohibited images, drug importation and cultivation. I have given advice...