
This list shows every expert witness in the UK Register of Expert Witnesses who claims expertise in Intelligence. Click on any expert witness to view full details. You may prefer to interactively search the Register.

Dr Blandford in CLACTON-ON-SEA
Adult psychological assessment for civil & criminal court proceedings: • Cognitive & intellectual functioning (e.g. IQ) • Daily adaptive/social functioning • Capacity & fitness to plead • Executive functioning (e.g. adaptive behaviour, abstract thinking, mental flexibility, problem solving, planning, inhibition & social behaviour) • Malingering • Memory • Suggestibility & compliance • Personality disorders & clinical syndromes • Dementing processes • Affective conditions (e.g. anxiety disorders, depression, PTSD)
Mrs Martin-Alam in RICHMOND
Intellectual assessment of children & adults • Developmental & personality assessment • Assessment of emotional disturbance • Assessment of child abuse: physical, sexual, emotional • Assessing witness reliability & fitness to plead • Analysis of verbal, written & video evidence • Mental handicap • Crime & delinquency • Family assessment
Dr O'Rourke in CHESTER
Mental Health Review Tribunals - assessment of psychological need & risk in relation to individuals detained under the MHA (1983) • Personal injury claims - deaf & hearing clients • Criminal cases: fitness to plead, intellectual ability & impact of deafness, risk assessment & risk management, mental health & deafness • Mental health & trauma • Family/child care proceedings: assessments of deaf & hearing adults in relation to child care proceedings; presence/absence of a learning disability & the impact of this ( & /or...
Mr Naughton in WARRINGTON
1. Evidence gathering to support the defence 2. Evidence gathering to support an allegation 3. Forensic linguistics analysis for signs of deceit 4. Locating 'lost' witnesses 5. Obtaining witness statements for either the civil or criminal courts 6. Analysis of ABE interviews 7. Analysis of Police procedures PACE, CPIA 1996, RIPA and The National College of Policing relevant to specific cases 8. Expert witness reporting
Dr Hides in LEEDS
Clinical Psychologist and NHS Clinical Lead with 23 years of experience • Personal injury and RTA • Medical negligence • Cognitive assessments, including learning disabilities and difficulties and assessments of cognitive functioning/IQ • Assessment and treatment of mental health problems such as anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), depression, personality disorder, adjustment disorders and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) • Work-related stress and trauma • Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) • Eye movement...
Dr Zdrali in WEYBRIDGE
Preparation of psychological assessments and expert witness psychology reports for court, specialising in the field of family court, personal injury and clinical negligence, including psychometric testing, assessment of mental health and mental capacity (MCA, 2005). Expert witness training in psychology was undertaken at the British Psychological Society. I have specialist expertise and knowledge of assessing individuals with neurodevelopmental conditions, e.g. learning disabilities/learning difficulties,...
Dr Lewis in SOLIHULL
I am a Chartered Clinical Psychologist with extensive experience of providing expert witness reports for the Court. Areas of expertise include personal injury, clinical negligence and assessments of mental health and Mental Capacity (MCA 2005) in relation to employment, housing and immigration matters. I am experienced in preparing reports for criminal proceedings, including fitness to plead/stand trial, criminal responsibility, mitigating circumstances, failure to provide. I have specialist expertise and...
Mr Lowton in RICHMOND
Professional criminal investigator as described in CPIA Code of Practice Part II (Criminal Procedures and Investigations Act - 1996) • Criminal investigations • CPIA 1996 • PACE 1984 • PIP Level 3 Interview Techniques • Crime pattern analysis • Criminal justice system - police process • Criminal justice system - file process • MOPI, GDPR, RIPA 2000 • Intelligence gathering and assimilation

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