International trade finance

This list shows every expert witness in the UK Register of Expert Witnesses who claims expertise in International trade finance. Click on any expert witness to view full details. You may prefer to interactively search the Register.

Mr Brigden in AYLESBURY
Nigel is a highly qualified and experienced banker with an in-depth understanding of all aspects of banking obtained during a career lasting over 40 years, with excellent contacts throughout the City of London. He is currently working on a part-time basis as a consultant at a trade association in the City involved in responding to the government's proposals for the new Payments Regulator. Prior to that, he was Senior Vice President and Head of Operations at an overseas bank with responsibility for information...
Mr Alaswad in LONDON
Contract for Differences (CFD) • Forex (FX) • Spread betting • Forensic financial crimes • Anti-money laundering (AML) arrangements and cross-border fraud management • Suspicious transactions involving onshore, offshore and shell companies • Hedging techniques and risk management strategies • Poor execution and manipulation of market bid/ask prices • Mis-selling of complex financial products: Forex, CFDs and other financial derivatives • Boiler room, multi-level marketing/Pyramid selling, Ponzi schemes
Mr Rex in LONDON
In June 2024, GBRW merged its expert practice with Martello Expert Services. Martello was founded in 2019 by James Garvey and Richard Moore as part of Blackrock Expert Services (now Kroll). In 2020, they led a management buy-out to ensure the company remained independent. Prior to the merger, GBRW Expert Witness had a 15-year track record of providing expert support in the form of expert reports and/or advice in disputes involving banking, investment management, insurance, commodities, derivatives and related...
Mr Douglas in ROYSTON
Mr Douglas has more than 30 years' experience in the financial sector, working for Deloittes, JP Morgan, NM Rothschild and Cambridge Risk. His areas of expertise include: • Derivatives trading - interest rate, bond, foreign exchange & commodity - in futures, swaps, forwards & options - trading, pricing, valuation & control of risks • Commodities trading - metals & energy (oil & gas) - in derivatives & physical • Risk management - VaR & credit risk models, limits & controls • Hedging - of financial & commodity risks •...

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