
This list shows every expert witness in the UK Register of Expert Witnesses who claims expertise in Internet. Click on any expert witness to view full details. You may prefer to interactively search the Register.

Mr Davidson in LONDON
Providing clear & independent financial analysis & evaluation of arguments towards establishing economic measures of damages & loss • Including: contractual & tortious losses • Loss of profits • Business interruption • Reinstatement claims • Business & share valuation • Corporate finance • Intellectual property • Construction claims • Breach of warranties • Professional negligence • Fraud & financial irregularities • Money laundering, e-commerce & internet fraud • Proceeds of Crime Act cases, confiscation of assets & benefit of crime...
Dr Schmidt in PENARTH
Experienced in the preparation & critical review of patent specifications, expert reports, legal briefs & complaints (to Parliamentary & Health Service Ombudsman & Information Commissioner's Office) in regulatory & quality control & assurance matters relating to medical devices (including electrical equipment, e.g. e-cigarettes), pharmaceuticals, herbal medicines, cosmetics products & their ingredients in the EU & US, with forensic & information technology/information retrieval skills Additional e-mail: [email protected]...
Miss Johnson in MILTON KEYNES
Digital Forensics & Cell Site Analysis Expert Witnesses Evidence Matters Ltd are specialists in defending child pornography, fraud & counterfeiting cases , with more than 20 years' forensics experience • We aim to answer your questions in plain English, providing you with an easy to understand, jargon-free, professional report • 24 hour nationwide service • Free consultation • Tried & tested experts for the International Criminal Court, Crown Courts, Family Courts & Tribunals Please visit our website
Mr Shaw in LONDON
Artificial intelligence, AI, AR, 5G holograms • Blockchain • Smart contracts technology • Coding, Assembler machine language through to Z-notation • Cyber security, defence and offence, breaches • Data privacy • Digital media and IT technology • Due diligence • eDiscovery • Failed projects • Fintech, pure technology, start-ups and investments • Hardware, middleware, design and architecture • IoT • Network, telecoms • Software, forensic and anti-forensic • Digital forensics in multiple criminal cases regarding software, images, infringements •...
Mr Borwick in DUNBAR
At the time of writing, 18 years' experience working within law enforcement (SCDEA - Scotland) and within the private sector. I accept instructions from Crown, defence and civil litigation teams, legal aid and private fee-paying clients. I am experienced in all manner of digital forensic investigations such as: • Computer forensics • Mobile telephone forensics • Cell site analysis • Examination of CCTV evidence • Crypto currency investigations • Social media forensics - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.
MD5 specialises in the following services: • Mobile Phone Forensics • Computer Forensics • Advanced Data Recovery • eDisclosure • eForensics • Virtual Forensic Computing (VFC) Experts in providing Digital Forensic and eDisclosure services to the legal sector, law enforcement agencies, public sector and corporate clients.
Digital Forensics/Computer Forensics I have worked with computers for all of my adult life. I started to specialise in computer forensics 15 years ago and took training courses at Kenesaw State University Post Graduate School in Georgia in the United States and then at the Royal Military College of Science at Shrivenham. I have been trained in expert witness skills by Bond Solon and have presented expert evidence in a number of cases in the Magistrates' Court, the Crown Court and the High Court. My portfolio...
Mr Liu in LONDON
Securing digital evidence from computers, media and cloud-based systems both on-site and remotely • Forensic examination of evidence, recovery of deleted data • Chronological analysis of computer activity such as copying files and likelihood of exfiltration • Production of exhibits for court use • Data provenance • Email analysis • Cybercrime such as ransomware, email and system compromises • Data analytics • Electronic discovery
Mr Steer in BARRHEAD
I have been in the field of digital forensics as an employee within the Police Service of Scotland for the last 20 years, and I regularly examine and provide technical reports relating to desktop computers, laptops, mobile phones and other electronic devices. I have given evidence as an expert witness at all levels of criminal courts within Scotland. I am based within the central belt of Scotland. I am able to visit offices or receive items via courier service across Scotland or the UK.
Mr Lewer in ASPATRIA
Computer forensics • Mobile phone forensics • Gathering & analysis of computer-related forensic data • Re-analysis of third party & police collected computer forensic data where the existence of rebuttal evidence is suggested • Specialist in 'EnCase' forensic data analysis • Holistic view of computer-related evidence taken where procedural impropriety is suspected • Evaluation of e-mails for veracity • All forms of computer data analysed & prepared for litigation according to current best practice • Recovery of deleted or...
Mr Coyne in PRESTON
Information technology • Technology • Telecommunications • Digital forensics • eDiscovery • IT fitness for purpose • IT outsourcing & project disputes • Project delay analysis • Patents & intellectual property rights • Software copyright • Computer forensics • Mobile forensics • Data recovery • Data security • Incident response • Data expert • Digital communications Jason Coyne is an expert information technology (IT) and digital forensics consultant with over 30 years' experience spanning local and central government, telecommunications,...
Mr Dilloway in BRISTOL
I have over 45 years' experience working with computers and more than 20 years and 300 cases as an expert witness. My work clarifies technical evidence simply and concisely, and assists common understanding of cases among lawyers, clients and experts. I produce clearly worded reports and clear spoken evidence. Criminal cases include indecent images, terrorism, false accounting, computer misuse and unauthorised access, fraud, extreme and prohibited images, drug importation and cultivation. I have given advice...
Mr Brewer in WESTCOTT
International wholesale & retail banking systems & operations • Banking & securities payment & clearing systems • Foreign exchange, money markets, commercial lending, bonds, equities & financial derivatives systems & operations • Computer systems design, selection, implementation & project management & related methodologies • Practice of management consultancy • Internet & e-commerce • Insurance systems • Computer evidence • Artificial intelligence • Machine learning • IT intellectual property
Digital Forensics & Cell Site Analysis Expert Witnesses Evidence Matters Ltd are specialists in defending child pornography, fraud & counterfeiting cases , with more than 20 years' forensics experience • We aim to answer your questions in plain English, providing you with an easy to understand, jargon-free, professional report • 24 hour nationwide service • Free consultation • Tried & tested experts for the International Criminal Court, Crown Courts, Family Courts & Tribunals Please visit our website
Afentis Forensics is a leading UK scientific investigation practice, providing sophisticated analysis of computers, mobile telephone devices, cell site analysis, e-Discovery, indecent imagery (Operation Ore) & audio-visual exhibit assessments • Certified analysts are available to assist with DNA evidence, fingerprint comparisons, firearm or ballistic studies, & the evaluation of questioned documents • Forensic scientists are recognised expert witnesses, available to present findings in clear witness statements...
Digital Forensics & Cell Site Analysis Expert Witnesses Evidence Matters Ltd are specialists in defending child pornography, fraud & counterfeiting cases , with more than 20 years' forensics experience • We aim to answer your questions in plain English, providing you with an easy to understand, jargon-free, professional report • 24 hour nationwide service • Free consultation • Tried & tested experts for the International Criminal Court, Crown Courts, Family Courts & Tribunals Please visit our website
Computer forensics • Data recovery • E-mail analysis • Computer crime • Internet abuse • Computer fraud • Mobile forensics • Training
Digital Forensics & Cell Site Analysis Expert Witnesses Evidence Matters Ltd are specialists in defending child pornography, fraud & counterfeiting cases , with more than 20 years' forensics experience • We aim to answer your questions in plain English, providing you with an easy to understand, jargon-free, professional report • 24 hour nationwide service • Free consultation • Tried & tested experts for the International Criminal Court, Crown Courts, Family Courts & Tribunals Please visit our website
Dr Young in LONDON
Description of expertise Trained & experienced in both civil & criminal expert work, in the CPR & the duties of both party-appointed & single joint experts. Experienced in report writing & giving evidence in court. Fellow of the Academy of Experts. Qualified Arbitrator. Computing - Civil • Computer software • Software development projects • Agile development • Intellectual property in computer software • Employment disputes • Software copyright infringement • Software quality • Computer systems • Systems integration • Computer...
Dr Collie in LONDON
Digital device forensics, cell site analysis, computers, mobile phones, IOT and Cloud data • Digital document analysis • Cybersecurity consultancy • High quality expert reports in plain English Dr Collie is a CUBS-accredited Expert Witness, certificated for both civil and criminal litigation. In the private sector, clients have included City banks and broker houses, as well as major corporates with issues such as IP theft, fraud, system hacking and staff computer misuse. She has Expert and Single Joint Expert experience...
Digital Forensics & Cell Site Analysis Expert Witnesses Evidence Matters Ltd are specialists in defending child pornography, fraud & counterfeiting cases , with more than 20 years' forensics experience • We aim to answer your questions in plain English, providing you with an easy to understand, jargon-free, professional report • 24 hour nationwide service • Free consultation • Tried & tested experts for the International Criminal Court, Crown Courts, Family Courts & Tribunals Please visit our website
Mr Christopher J Watts in TOWCESTER
Experienced in all aspects of digital investigations including child abuse images, intellectual property, fraud & murder • Expertise includes: • Computer forensics • Mobile phones & CCTV analysis • Reports provided in a clear, easy to understand format, avoiding technical jargon where possible • Prosecution, Single Joint Expert (SJE) & defence work undertaken Further information available at
Experienced in forensic investigation, examination & the presentation of written & oral evidence regarding: Telecommunications • Cell Site Analysis • Radio measurements & surveys • GPRS • 2G (GSM), 3G (UMTS), 4G (LTE), 5G • Call pattern/attribution analysis (i2) • Fixed & mobile telephone call records analysis • Mobile handset & SIM card examination & data extraction • SIM card cloning • HEX dumping • Fraudulent use • Malicious calls • Billing issues • Surveillance • Interception • Inspections & performance analysis • Fax & data •...
Dr Marshall in EDINBURGH
Broad knowledge of information technology, and experience as an entrepreneur and as a Gartner Analyst, provides additional experience in business management, intellectual property and enterprise requirements. Expertise includes: • Artificial intelligence • Blockchain and crypto • Cloud infrastructure • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) • Cybersecurity • Data analytics • Digital resilience • Disaster recovery • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) • Industry analysts • Intellectual property • Internet of things • Location-based...
Mr Maile in LONDON
CipherBlade is the most experienced and well known independent cryptocurrency forensic investigation firm. Over the last 6 years we have worked with law enforcement agencies around the world from local to federal and special-purpose teams on criminal investigations, government agencies and regulators on national and global ponzi schemes and investment fraud, law firms for civil and family law cases, and individual investors on thefts, fraud and scams. Our team of expert crypto investigators have more combined...

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