Language difficulties

This list shows every expert witness in the UK Register of Expert Witnesses who claims expertise in Language difficulties. Click on any expert witness to view full details. You may prefer to interactively search the Register.

Dr Bavikatte in MANCHESTER
Dr Bavikatte has wide experience managing patients in acute and sub-acute hospital units and in community settings. His specialisms include traumatic brain injury, minimally conscious state, post-concussion syndrome, mild brain injury, acute neurorehabilitation, polytrauma rehabilitation, spasticity and prognosis and life expectancy.
An experienced educational psychologist with considerable and successful experience at carrying out a range of assessments to detect specific learning difficulties, including the effects of brain injury on a child's ability to learn. Qualified to conduct a range of psychometric tests with children and young people between the ages of 6 and 16. Able to assess a child's learning potential as well as those forms of teaching which will best help a child to learn.
Mrs Humphreys in ANTRIM
Speech, language and communication disorders • Swallowing disorders, eating and drinking, dysphagia management • Children with speech and language delay/disorder • Cerebral palsy • Head injury • Acquired brain injury • Neurological conditions • Stroke/CVA • Voice disorders • Dysfluency/stammering • Young age • Dementia • Head and neck cancers • Brain tumours • Road traffic accidents and personal injuries • Autism, Aspergers, ASD • Learning disabilities and difficulties • Low IQ • Mental health issues • Cognitive issues
Ms Hussain in CHESHAM
Adult neurological & ENT conditions • Bilingual Urdu (Punjabi) speaking & interpreting experience HCPC Registration SL10526
Ms Kirk in ELY
Paediatric speech & language therapy • Development delay • Speech & language disorders • Autism spectrum disorder • Cerebral palsy • Down syndrome
Dr Sanjay Suri has a total of 35 years’ experience with expertise in neuro-disability. His neuro-disability expertise includes cerebral palsy, spina bifida, genetic syndromes, sensory deficits, global developmental delay and autism. He has 20 years' experience in medico-legal work and attended the Bond Solon expert witness report writing course in 2022. He has also participated in a mini-pupillage and courtroom skills course in the past. He has provided reports for safeguarding cases, coroners inquests and...
Psychological reports in civil, family & criminal cases • Psychometric tests • Psychological assessments & therapies in relation to trauma, emotional & mental health problems • Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)
Dr Mallen in NORWICH
Dr John Mallen is in private practice as a Clinical Neuropsychologist. He is a Chartered Psychologist (CPsychol) and an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society (AFBPsS) and is approved by the Health Professions Council as a Practitioner Psychologist (Registration Number: PYL 15629). Dr John Mallen has completed the appropriate British Psychological Society specialist conversion courses in Postgraduate Clinical Neuropsychology and Expert Witness Training, demonstrating the necessary skills, experience...

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