Legal services

This list shows every expert witness in the UK Register of Expert Witnesses who claims expertise in Legal services. Click on any expert witness to view full details. You may prefer to interactively search the Register.

Ms O'Neill in LONDON
Experience appearing before planning inquiries and hearings, with a good track record of successful outcomes. Able to supply and prepare Proofs of Evidence, Statements of Common Ground and Rebuttal Proofs of Evidence. Advice encompasses: i. National Planning Policy Framework, guidance and development planning policies ii. Planning appeals/Local Plan examinations iii. Listed buildings and conservation areas iv. Development management/control v. Compulsory purchase/Lands Tribunal vi. Judicial review of planning decisions
Mr Rothwell in ALCESTER
I am able to be considered for any expert witness matters pertaining to the hotel sector. These matters may be related to all areas such as hotel management agreements/contracts, hotel operations, hotel commercial performance, or hotel stakeholder disputes. Previous expert witness roles have been for both plaintiffs and defendants.

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