
This list shows every expert witness in the UK Register of Expert Witnesses who claims expertise in Metabolism. Click on any expert witness to view full details. You may prefer to interactively search the Register.

Dr Skett in GLASGOW
Clearance of alcohol from the body • Metabolism of alcohol • Calculation of blood or breath alcohol concentrations • Interaction of alcohol with other drugs • Clearance of drugs & chemicals from the body • Toxic effects of drugs & chemicals • Uses & abuses of drugs • Drugs of abuse
Dr Mahesh has a clinical interest in dyspepsia (gastric and duodenal ulcer, reflux), Barrett's oesophagus, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), chronic abdominal pain, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), Crohn's and colitis, gastrointestinal cancer, diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy, and malnutrition, including complex gastrointestinal issues, obesity and malabsorption.
Alcohol technical defences • Calculation of blood, breath & urine concentrations • Alcohol backtracking calculations • Post-driving drinks & laced drinks calculations • Metabolism of alcohol • Failure to provide situations • Drink/drug driving under the influence • Interaction of medications with alcohol • Illicit drug use • Alcohol/drug-assisted aggravated/sexual assault • Effects of alcohol/drugs/medication • Interpretation of forensic reports
Diagnosing and managing general medical conditions like hypertension, diabetes and respiratory illnesses • Endocrine disorders such as thyroid disorders, diabetes management, adrenal conditions and metabolic disorders All correspondence to: British Medical Experts, 13 Park Terrace, Carmarthen, Carmarthenshire, SA31 3DG.
Drug testing • Alcohol test calculations • Toxicological interpretation • Clinical toxicology • Forensic toxicology • Alcohol • Drugs • Drugs & driving • Substance misuse • Drug-facilitated crime • Child custody • Drugs - licit & illicit • Drugs & personal injury • Insurance reports
Dr VandenBurg in BRIGHTON
Based in Brighton and London • I am registered with the GMC as a Specialist in General Medicine with a licence to practise, with an interest in pharmaceutical medicine and sexual health. • I am a Fellow of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine and the Royal College of Physicians. • You can find me on Linkedin and search me on Google and my publications on Pubmed. • I have professional indemnity insurance. A pharmaceutical physician, highly experienced in pharmaceutical regulatory clinical expert reports. Able...
Dr Younis is experienced in the management of thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal and pituitary diseases. In addition, he is also experienced in the management of type I and type II diabetes and has a specific interest in patient education, insulin complex pathways and complications of diabetes, such as neuropathy, renal disease, diabetic eye disease and diabetic foot disease. From a general internal medicine perspective, Dr Younis treats hypertension, osteoporosis and lipid disorders.
Professor Moore in LONDON
Hepatology • Liver disease • Ascites • Hepatorenal • Cirrhosis • Acute liver failure • Hepatic encephalopathy • Drug hepatotoxicity • Drug-induced liver injury • Clinical pharmacology & therapeutics • Adverse effects of drugs, alcohol, paracetamol overdose • Biochemical analysis • Mass spectrometry • Drug patent disputes • Oxidative stress • Clinical biochemistry • General internal medicine • Acute medicine • Acute medical emergencies
Glass analysis • Paint analysis • Fibre analysis • Footwear mark & toolmark comparisons • Forensic evidence, general • Analytical chemistry • Drink drive calculations • Drug analysis, valuation & packaging • MDT analysis • Drug driving • Electronic tags
Dr Cockbill in CHEPSTOW
Legal & ethical requirements for community, hospital, veterinary & academic pharmacy practice • Pharmacology: drug interactions, pharmacokinetics & dynamics, formulation, veterinary pharmacy • Licensing of new drugs for human & animal use • Former lecturer in law, formulation science, veterinary pharmacy, wound management (human & animal wounds) at the Welsh School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences • Currently Honorary Lecturer at the Welsh School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences • Considerable experience...
Mrs Jenkins in DURHAM
Alcohol: • Calculation of blood, breath & urine concentrations • Metabolism of alcohol • Interaction of medications with alcohol • Failure to provide situations • Post-driving drinks & laced drinks calculations • Drugs: • The effect of prescribed & controlled drugs on an individual's demeanour (particularly in relation to their driving ability) • Consider the possibility of post driving drug consumption based on metabolite levels
Independent Consultant Surgeon & Endoscopist • Honorary Consultant Colorectal Surgeon, QAH • Consultant Gastroenterologist, Bronglas Hospital • Honorary Senior Fellow, Clinical Skills Centre, Nottingham University Expertise General surgery • Trauma surgery & injury • Colorectal & abdominal surgery • Endoscopy, including gastroscopy & colonoscopy • Laparoscopic surgery • Intestinal & hernia surgery • Rectal & anal surgery • Gastroenterology • Pharmaceutical medicine • Risk management • Drug safety • Regulatory • Clinical development

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