Ms Jefferies in BATH
I have 22 years' experience as a midwife working in many roles including management, teaching and all clinical areas - community, caseload, homebirth and high-risk labour and delivery. I completed Bond Solon training in 2019 and have been working as an expert ever since, and am confident to take cases for claimant or defendant. I am experienced giving verbal evidence and conference calls with multi-disciplinary teams and other experts. I have completed more then 40 reports, currently on a 70/30 split (claimant/defendant).
Mrs Garland in SEVENOAKS
All aspects of midwifery care • Hospital & community-based care of mothers & babies • Intrapartum & waterbirths a particular interest • Postnatal care, infant feeding & care of mothers who have had instrumental/caesarean section births an area of interest • As a qualified midwifery tutor I am able to provide expertise in areas of students or education of midwives • Knowledge of risk management & supervision of midwives • I was awarded a fellowship of the RCM in 2019
Mrs Parvia in CHESHAM
Community midwife • Home births • Midwifery-led units • Safeguarding • ENS cases Registration: 00I2473E
Ms Jackson in LONDON
Assessment of attachment & bonding in families • Assessment of parenting, including in the context of child care proceedings • Alcohol & drug abuse as pertaining to parenting ability • Domestic violence, physical, sexual & emotional abuse as pertaining to parenting ability • Adult cognitive & personality assessment, including own family history in relation to ability to parent • Cognitive assessment of adults to determine competence, identify learning difficulties & disabilities, & make recommendations • Educational...
A part-time practising midwife working at a busy consultant-led maternity unit. I work as part of a multidisciplinary teaching faculty for the Trust provision of monthly maternity essential training days. I am a national instructor for the Maternity Acute Illness Management (AIMS) courses and accredited with the Resuscitation Council (UK) for the facilitation of the NLS (newborn resuscitation) courses. I hold current registration/revalidation with the NMC. I am a fully accredited member of the Academy of...