Neurodivergent employees

This list shows every expert witness in the UK Register of Expert Witnesses who claims expertise in Neurodivergent employees. Click on any expert witness to view full details. You may prefer to interactively search the Register.

All areas of civil & criminal cases relating to occupational health, safety & welfare, for example: • Accident investigation • Occupier liability • WRULD cases/RSI • Premises health & safety issues causing illness, injury, etc. • Risk assessment • Training, competence & development • Failure in management systems Completed CIM Diploma in Professional Marketing Level 6
Neurodiversity • ADHD • Autism • ADHD in girls and women • Reasonable adjustments in the workplace • Translating needs into provision • Employment relations issues for neurodivergent employees • Conflict resolution ADHD • Autism • Special educational needs and disabilities for children and adults • Education, Health and Care Assessments and Plans (EHCP) • SEND tribunal • SENDIST • Reasonable adjustments in school • Inclusion in schools • School exclusions (permanent and fixed-term) School attendance • Pupil behaviour in schools • Safeguarding...
Mr Cawood in DUMFRIES
Report writing in legal instruction cases for care, rehabilitation, training, education and equipment for those with visual impairment of all ages • Report writing in legal instruction cases for care, rehabilitation, training and education for those with physical and mental disabilities

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