
This list shows every expert witness in the UK Register of Expert Witnesses who claims expertise in Patents. Click on any expert witness to view full details. You may prefer to interactively search the Register.

Ms Winspeare in GILLINGHAM
Forensic accounting • Insurance claims • Business interruption claims • Increased costs of working • Stock claims • Personal injury actions • Fatal accident claims • Loss of pension • Loss of benefits • Loss of profit • Loss of dependency • Contractual disputes • Agency disputes • Breach of warranty • Contentious valuations • Shareholder disputes • Matrimonial disputes • Probate disputes
Dr Chatfield in SOUTH GODSTONE
Adhesives • Body fluids, alcohol in • Bitumens & asphalts • Corrosion & metal treatment • Detergents & wetting agents • Surfactants • Forensic science • Paints • Sealants • Printing inks • Packaging materials • Plastics • Rubbers • Colour measurement • Skid resistance & slip testing • Double-glazing failures • Patent infringements • Road markings Additional email: [email protected]
Dr Ghafele in OXFORD
Damage calculations • Economic analysis of commercial law, IP law, ICT law, high-tech law, competition law • Competition economics • Valuation of patents, copyright, trademark, trade dress, design rights • Economic impact assessment • Royalty rate determination • FRAND royalty rate calculation • Economics of standard essential patents and standards • Economic analysis of legal context • Economic analysis of mergers and acquisition and abuse of dominance • Economic impact of intellectual property law

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