This list shows every expert witness in the UK Register of Expert Witnesses who claims expertise in PDAs. Click on any expert witness to view full details. You may prefer to interactively search the Register.

Mr Davies in LLANELLI
Matt Davies has worked within the forensic industry for a number of years and has completed over 2,000 forensic examinations, including those which relate to high-profile cases. He has occupied positions such as the Head of Mobile Forensics, and has managed several forensic laboratories throughout the UK. Matt is a published author and has presented his work at various industry-leading conferences. EX1 - Digital Forensic Services Ltd is accredited to ISO 17025:2017 and Forensic Science Regulator’s Codes of...
Digital Forensics/Computer Forensics I have worked with computers for all of my adult life. I started to specialise in computer forensics 15 years ago and took training courses at Kenesaw State University Post Graduate School in Georgia in the United States and then at the Royal Military College of Science at Shrivenham. I have been trained in expert witness skills by Bond Solon and have presented expert evidence in a number of cases in the Magistrates' Court, the Crown Court and the High Court. My portfolio...
Mr Hogan in CHEADLE
Digital forensics • Computer forensics • Mobile phone forensics • CCTV forensics • SatNav forensics • USB storage device forensics • Network forensics • Deleted data recovery • e-Discovery Callum specialises in Digital Forensics and e-Discovery as an independent expert witness. His expertise means he completes each stage of Digital Forensic Investigation (DFI) models and the Electronic Discovery Reference Model (EDRM) whilst conforming to ACPO guidelines and ISO standards. This requires using various industry-standard Digital...
Afentis Forensics is a leading UK scientific investigation practice, providing sophisticated analysis of computers, mobile telephone devices, cell site analysis, e-Discovery, indecent imagery (Operation Ore) & audio-visual exhibit assessments • Certified analysts are available to assist with DNA evidence, fingerprint comparisons, firearm or ballistic studies, & the evaluation of questioned documents • Forensic scientists are recognised expert witnesses, available to present findings in clear witness statements...
Experienced in forensic investigation, examination & the presentation of written & oral evidence regarding: Telecommunications • Cell Site Analysis • Radio measurements & surveys • GPRS • 2G (GSM), 3G (UMTS), 4G (LTE), 5G • Call pattern/attribution analysis (i2) • Fixed & mobile telephone call records analysis • Mobile handset & SIM card examination & data extraction • SIM card cloning • HEX dumping • Fraudulent use • Malicious calls • Billing issues • Surveillance • Interception • Inspections & performance analysis • Fax & data •...
Mr Coyne in PRESTON
Information technology • Technology • Telecommunications • Digital forensics • eDiscovery • IT fitness for purpose • IT outsourcing & project disputes • Project delay analysis • Patents & intellectual property rights • Software copyright • Computer forensics • Mobile forensics • Data recovery • Data security • Incident response • Data expert • Digital communications Jason Coyne is an expert information technology (IT) and digital forensics consultant with over 30 years' experience spanning local and central government, telecommunications,...

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