
This list shows every expert witness in the UK Register of Expert Witnesses who claims expertise in Planning. Click on any expert witness to view full details. You may prefer to interactively search the Register.

Mr Abbott in TRURO
Town & country planning as per planning legislation & policy • Case precedent & guidance as applies to England • All aspects of planning, except minerals, waste & energy (if technical) Offices in Lancashire, Cumbria & Cornwall
With 36 years' professional experience of interpretation and mapping from historic and modern aerial photographs, stereoscopic pairs of analogue aerial photographs, digital aerial imagery, Lidar data and satellite imagery • Interpretation and use of historic and modern map evidence • Evidence provision for heritage and archaeology, legal land use, adverse possession, town and village green matters, boundary issues and disputes, property curtilage and extent, building regulations issues, planning, rights of way...
Mr Skelton in CHORLEY
Land use and development planning • All aspects of town planning, including national and local planning policy • Planning and related legislation • National planning practice guidance • Local planning policy • Listed buildings and conservation areas • Development management/control • Case examples include numerous planning appeal inquiries • Contractual disputes • Casino licensing hearings and appeals • Compulsory purchase/Lands Tribunal • Judicial review of planning decisions • Injunctions, etc. Offices in Lancashire, Cumbria &...
Mr Gibb in GLASGOW
Architects' professional negligence • Architects' appointments & fees • Building contract disputes • Building defects & failures • Cladding & performance in fire • Contract claims, including adjudication response • Land & property disputes, including matters referred to Lands Tribunal • Liability within the design team • Historical analysis of buildings • Preparation of visualisations • Preparation of expert reports • Attendance at court • Participation in all forms of ADR • Representations in respect of planning applications, adjudication...
Mr Salisbury in OXFORD
Architect's appointment: practice, fees, competence and professional negligence • Building contracts and subcontracts: obligations, delay, disruption, extensions of time, architects' instructions, certificates, practical completion, partial possession, liability • Building construction and design failures • Cladding • Building regulations • Fire safety • Intellectual property: architectural copyright • Disciplinary and regulatory proceedings • Town and Country Planning Act appeals • Public inquiries • Adjudication • ADR • Mediation
Accident investigation • Major hazards • Fire • Explosion • Toxic gas • Chemical spills • HSWA • COMAH • COSHH • DSEAR • Industrial injuries from chemical & process hazards • Risk from transport, storage, handling & treatment of chemicals, including hazardous waste • Environmental impact assessment • Accidents to the environment • Planning inquiries (risk & air pollution issues) • Air pollution, including odour nuisance & food tainting • Cargo quality disputes • Cargo contamination incidents Over 25 years' experience in research, postgraduate...
Ms O'Neill in LONDON
Experience appearing before planning inquiries and hearings, with a good track record of successful outcomes. Able to supply and prepare Proofs of Evidence, Statements of Common Ground and Rebuttal Proofs of Evidence. Advice encompasses: i. National Planning Policy Framework, National Planning Practice Guidance and local planning policies ii. Local Plan Examinations iii. Listed buildings and conservation areas iv. Development management/control v. Compulsory purchase/Lands Tribunal vi. Judicial review of planning...
Mr Sanders in TIVERTON
Rural Practice Chartered Surveyor with considerable expert witness & litigation experience, including: • Arbitration & Higher Tier Tribunals • Banking & other business & property disputes • Farm business advice, including finance & business restructuring • Agricultural insolvency & receivership • Planning & development • Agricultural tenancies, including as an adviser to Defra as a member of the Farm Tenancy Forum • Chairs the RICS Agricultural Tenancies Monitoring Group • Valuation • Boundaries • Experience includes county...
Mr Laslett in HYTHE
Project planning & scheduling • Critical path analysis (CPA) • Delay & extension of time (EOT) • Project management • Project controls • Project engineering • Technical • Capital projects • All above in the following sectors: Offshore oil & gas, FPSOs, decommissioning, petrochemicals, pipelines, shipbuilding, oil rigs, power generation, renewables (including offshore wind farms, solar, wave/tidal), infrastructure, capital projects

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