Dr de Fonseka in MANCHESTER
Dr Fonseka has a specialist interest in pleural disease and has sat on the British Thoracic Society national guideline committees for both mesothelioma and pleural disease. Clinical interests: • Pleural infection • Pleural effusions • Mesothelioma • Diffuse pleural thickening • Pneumothorax • Lung cancer. Dr de Fonseka is heavily involved with pleural intervention such as local anaesthetic thoracoscopy, indwelling pleural catheters, intercostal chest drains and diagnostic/therapeutic pleural aspirations.
Dr Corless in WIRRAL
I have acted as an expert witness for over 12 years. My fields of expertise include all asbestos-related lung disease, including mesothelioma, asbestosis, diffuse pleural thickening & asbestos-related lung cancer. I have completed more than 500 reports on these conditions. I am also happy to provide life expectancy reports. I have been fully trained in report writing & courtroom skills & attend regular refresher training. I do not accept instructions for failure to provide reports. Due to workload, I am not...
Dr Quantrill in LONDON
I specialise in failure to provide (breathalyser) cases in relation to which I have written over 250 reports and appeared in court many times.
Mr Papagiannopoulos in LEEDS
Cardiothoracic surgery • Expert in minimally invasive surgery of the chest • Special interest in malignant & benign conditions of the chest cavity, including, but not limited to, lung, chest wall, airway & diaphragm • Extensive experience in pectus repair with open Ravitch or minimally invasive Nuss technique • International experience in management of emphysema with lung volume reduction surgery & valves • Extensive experience in management of chest trauma with skills obtained through long service in South Africa ...
Expert advice can be given in all aspects of asbestos in the field of occupational hygiene, including historic exposure assessment, rent arbitrations or litigations resulting from irreversible damage to belongings &/or property
Mrs McNeill in GLASGOW
Health & safety • Occupational diseases (asbestos, noise, hand-arm vibration) • Risk assessments • Personal Protective Equipment • Working at height • Safe systems of work • Legionnaires disease • Investigation of industrial accidents, personal injuries and fatalities • Investigations of fire and explosions • Mechanical engineering design • Investigation of defective engineering design and plant mal-performance