
This list shows every expert witness in the UK Register of Expert Witnesses who claims expertise in Pre-eclampsia. Click on any expert witness to view full details. You may prefer to interactively search the Register.

Lead in Maternal Medicine and Diabetic Pregnancy at Worthing Hospital since 2010 with broad experience in all aspects of obstetrics and gynaecology, including high-risk pregnancies and intrapartum management. Highly experienced and competent to accept instructions in: 1. High-risk pregnancy 2. Maternal medicine, including diabetic pregnancy 3. Complex intrapartum care (e.g. shoulder dystocia, antepartum haemorrhage, abruptio placenta, stillbirth, hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy, cerebral palsy, uterine rupture,...
Clinical Negligence in Obstetrics & Gynaecology 960 reports over 29 years: 70% have been on behalf of claimants and 30% have been for hospitals • 96 single joint expert reports for Liverpool Urogynaecology Litigation • 14 Fitness to practise reports for the GMC Urogynaecology Complications of vaginal surgery & prolapse repair, including mesh • Treatment of female incontinence, including TVT and TOT Gynaecology Complications of gynaecological surgery, including urinary fistula & bowel injury • Early pregnancy problems,...
Dr Shangaris in MANCHESTER
Fetal medicine • Obstetrics • Maternal medicine • Pregnancy complications Instructions accepted via the Premex+ platform
Ms Houston in email/phone contact only
I have worked many years as a midwife in the NHS, in higher education and as Head of Midwifery in several NHS Trusts. I have wide experience of working in different settings and in reviewing clinical incidents. I have the Bond Solon Cardiff University Expert Witness Certificate. All aspects of midwifery care, including: • Pregnancy • Labour • Birth & birth-related injury or trauma, including shoulder dystocia • Postnatal care • Midwifery management • Midwifery education • Undertaken 200+ cases
Mr Schlesinger in FROME
Gynaecology with special reference to colposcopy, oncology, uro-gynaecology and surgical gynaecology, and all aspects of general obstetrics and gynaecology
Dr Howell in LONDON
Consultant Anaesthetist since 1992 • Director of Obstetric Anaesthesia at Homerton Hospital 1994-2016 • Recognised Teacher of the University of London • President of the Obstetric Anaesthetists' Association 2008-2011 • Panellist for GMC Fitness to Practise proceedings 2006-2014 • Main area of expertise is the provision of safe, effective analgesia & anaesthesia for women in pregnancy • Extensive experience in the management of all types of anaesthesia & pain relief for labour & delivery • Particular interest in the management...

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