Private company investment

This list shows every expert witness in the UK Register of Expert Witnesses who claims expertise in Private company investment. Click on any expert witness to view full details. You may prefer to interactively search the Register.

Mr Miller in LONDON
Investment banking • Corporate finance • Mergers & acquisitions • Public takeovers • Equity fund raising • Prospectus standards • Corporate governance • FSA/FCA regulation
Dr Walford in LONDON
Private banking • Investment management • Asset allocation • Wealth management • Loans, mortgages, overdrafts • Regulation • On-shore off-shore issues • Insider dealing • Criminal: confiscation of assets, regulatory rule breaches, money laundering • Banking: property lending (commercial & residential) • Tax • Building & construction • Retail banking • Interest rate swaps • Libor-related claims
Mr Merriman in GUILDFORD
The use of derivatives, particularly interest rate swaps (mis-selling) & options & FX derivatives, including pricing, valuation, hedging, trading, sales & marketing & applications for corporates, public sector & pension fund clients • 20 years' experience working at top investment banks, including UBS, Morgan Stanley, Deutsche Bank & Nomura, advising clients on using derivatives • I held several senior managing director roles, including global head of fixed income derivative sales to corporate & public sector...
Mr Caldwell in LONDON
Company valuation - expert witness in quantum and damages in dispute, and commercial valuation • International arbitration and bilateral investment treaties • Worldwide litigation • Loss of profits and breach of warranties • Shareholder and joint venture determinations • Single joint expert in high-value matrimonial disputes • Banking and financial services • Oil and gas • Russia and the CIS • Intellectual property • Private company minority share valuation
Mr Douglas in ROYSTON
Mr Douglas has more than 30 years' experience in the financial sector, working for Deloittes, JP Morgan, NM Rothschild and Cambridge Risk. His areas of expertise include: • Derivatives trading - interest rate, bond, foreign exchange & commodity - in futures, swaps, forwards & options - trading, pricing, valuation & control of risks • Commodities trading - metals & energy (oil & gas) - in derivatives & physical • Risk management - VaR & credit risk models, limits & controls • Hedging - of financial & commodity risks •...
Mr Abbas in LONDON
Private banking & wealth management • Investment banking • Investment management • Graduate recruitment • Middle East & Asia Pacific

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