Dr Doherty in LIVERPOOL
Nick is a Chartered Engineer and has been a mechanical engineer at Brookes Bell since 2005. He obtained MEng in Mechanical Engineering with Energy Studies from The University of Strathclyde in 1999. He obtained PhD in fluid mechanics research in 2005. His principal role at Brookes Bell is Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis for various hydrodynamic and aerodynamic projects and fire simulations. He has advised clients as an independent expert on a number of legal cases and given evidence in arbitration...
Dr Young in LONDON
Description of expertise Trained & experienced in both civil & criminal expert work, in the CPR & the duties of both party-appointed & single joint experts. Experienced in report writing & giving evidence in court. Fellow of the Academy of Experts. Qualified Arbitrator. Computing - Civil • Computer software • Software development projects • Agile development • Intellectual property in computer software • Employment disputes • Software copyright infringement • Software quality • Computer systems • Systems integration • Computer...
Ms Morris is an Honorary Reader in Medical Statistics at the University of Manchester and enjoys her role as Statistical Editor of the British Medical Journal . Ms Morris is also Statistical Advisor to the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine .
Dr Peplow in CAMBRIDGE
Acoustics consultancy • Acoustics and vibration • Noise and vibration injuries • Boundary element method (BEM) • Waveguide finite element method (FEM)